Thank you to all who helped with the Outdoor Cleanup Work Party on October 22. We had beautiful weather, and many hands helped the cleanup to go smoothly. We have already used the space for our Halloween Bonfire. We appreciate the hard work and effort to clean this parcel of land so we can use it for outdoor activities. Well done! Photos by Kelly Lownds
Spirits ran high on Monday night as CUUPS celebrated the ritual of Samhain. We circled around an altar set with autumn leaves, marigolds, crows, glowing candles and mementos of our beloved dead.
On Saturday, October 19 the UU held its 4th Annual Road Rally. On a beautiful, sunny and warm day, 10 teams completed a 28 mile course, driving through the splendor of Middleboro and Lakeville fall foliage. Congratulations to the trophy/medal winners!
Jeff Stevens primes the coffee maker each Sunday and helps to make the coffee. The church buys the needed coffee. What do we need? Coffee Hour Hosts - Please Read More to sign up online. Val will email you instructions, and there are many hands around to help as needed.