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Full Moon Meditation on Zoom

with Natalie Johnson

February 13 @ 6:00 pm 6:45 pm

This month’s Full Moon falls in the sign of Leo and is known as the Snow Moon. Earth-based traditions recently celebrated the turning of the Wheel toward Imbolc, the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox and the honoring of the Irish goddess Brigid.


This is the time of faint stirring deep within the belly of the earth as seeds still dormant begin to detect greater light coming from above. The sun is still pale in the winter sky, yet it rises higher and shows its face longer each day. The seed instinctively awaits the moment when the soil warms sufficiently to begin its journey from root to tender shoot, finally breaking ground where it can receive the light directly.  In the coldest days of winter, the seed rests and dreams and trusts, having unshakable faith in the process of life. It follows the ancestral whisper of those who have gone before, knowing that once stirred awake, the impulse to life cannot be denied.

May we learn from the seed this night of Full Moon and reflect upon the power of trust and faith. May we be assured that even in times of cold and darkness, the human spirit, like the seed, can rise up toward the light and flourish.

We invite you to join us on this night.  All are welcome.

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