From the Parish Committee

The generous spirit of our church members and friends burns bright. As of mid-January, more than 30 families have pledged $157,000 to the Building Restoration Fund, bringing us to 78% of our $200,000 goal. On behalf of the church, Building & Grounds chair Alan Melchior has negotiated a contract with Paul Macuch Painting & Restoration, LLC, for the needed roofing work and shingle replacement. During the winter new white cedar shingles will be hand dipped in stain in the shop to extend their longevity. Outdoor work will begin in April when weather permits. For cost efficiency, Alan and Mr. Macuch compressed the original 3-phase work plan into a single 4 to 6 week effort, meaning the project should be complete by early this summer. Because the work will take place sooner than originally planned, those of you who have pledged contributions to the Restoration Fund are encouraged to make your payments as soon as you can, by June if possible. 

As you know, our long-time Music Director, Susan Hotchkiss, has announced her retirement at the end of this church year. The music program that Susan has fostered for many years is a hallmark of our church; it nourishes our spirit and continues to bring new people through our doors. Finding a new Music Director to maintain this level of excellence and success will be a challenge, and we are starting to work on it now. Rev. Beau is convening a search committee to develop a job description packet and begin to seek out candidates, with a goal to issue the job announcement by the end of February. We have a lot to attract an aspiring Music Director! We can highlight the strength of our music program as evidenced by the dedicated 20-member choir, the special opportunities provided by the Avis Clay endowment, and the presence of an historical organ. The search committee will keep the congregation informed of its progress, and there will be opportunities for your input about our needs and preferences.

The next meeting of the Parish Committee will be February 19, 2025, at 6:30 pm, currently scheduled for the Parish Hall with Zoom as a weather-dependent backup. Topics will include the budget for 2025-26, membership development, and a Committee Fair. Members, friends, and staff are welcome to attend.

January 26, 2025