by Susan Hotchkiss

Many kudos to the many singers and instrumentalists who came together to present Requiem by John Rutter on Music Sunday, May 21st. This was our first in-person Music Sunday since spring 2019 – that’s four years ago! Our 2019 program was ambitious, but this year’s surpassed it! It was hard, rewarding work—and for me, pure pleasure bringing a masterwork to life for a worship experience.

It’s hard to believe we’re wrapping up the church year this month. The Song Circle gathers on Friday, June 9, and the final meeting for the Music Committee, led by our new chairperson, Bet Giddings, is Wednesday, June 14. The Music Committee is already hard at work planning a fall concert, a vocal workshop for the choir, and a drumming workshop for the congregation and community.

Many of us will attend music camps and conferences this summer, bringing ideas back to share. Valerie Fontaine will once again host the choir party on August 26. Weekly choir rehearsals will resume on Tuesday, August 29.

Have a super summer and sing LOTS!

Susan Hotchkiss, Director of Music