Present:    Bob Waterman, Marc MacQueen, Jim Bonnar, Rev. Peter Connolly, Nicole Sykes 

Absent:      Lois Aldrich

Guests:     Kelly Lownds, Sandy Smiley, Jeff Giddings 

Meeting called to order at 6:37 p.m.  Minutes approved from last meeting. 

Minister’s Report: Rev. Peter provided the Minister’s Report to the PC. Going to add a section called “Upcoming Events” moving forward. Had an interim minister training today, but nothing additional to his report. 

Treasurer:  Bob Waterman reported that our budget is doing okay but a little bit behind in pledges (~$3500) but the budget represents equitable 12 months and isn’t how it typically plays out. Had ~$3000 of collections from prior years (typical for pledges coming in after fiscal year ends). Bottom line: $20,000 ahead of budget, but largely due to Rev. Peter not starting until September vs. July, and some expenditures are lower at this point in time. 

Budget: No line item for guest minister; will need to add a line item in expenses for this upcoming expenditure. Going rate is $350 per service. 

Bob mentioned thinking about Listening Circles; are they redundant with Cottage Meetings? They typically start in January. Rev. Peter says there have been 7 meetings and 2 virtual ones with more to come; 52 people have participated out of 80 members. A report on Cottage Meetings in January might be the substitute for another round of Listening Circles? 

RE: Kelly will distribute her RE Report but provided highlights on youth activities. RE Committee met on the first Tuesday this month, reached out to Kim Correia and Barbara Bancroft about involvement/expanding Committee. Will move to a virtual Committee meeting in December. Younger students created a moral compass with 16 traits to focus on and will collect gems as they go. Niko Pucillo-Dunphy is currently doing babysitting; Zeke Correia will be the backup. RE protocols mean 2 CORI’d individuals are required. 

Youth Group was small this week but going to try to reach more using Facebook group/texts, as some are forgetting there was a meeting. Planning on popcorn for parade (Saturday after Thanksgiving). 

Halloween Party on October 30 had a decent turnout, went well, outdoor experience. Goal of having a bonfire next year. Holiday Party will happen; will have a Holiday Pageant. 

Music Committee: No report.

Social Justice: The Cash in the Plate for December is going to the Minister’s Discretionary fund; Social Justice is very pleased to have sent out 1000 letters (to Texas) to get the vote out. Collaborating with NAACP in Brockton and a group in Bridgewater. Plans in place for more letter writing for run-off in Georgia. Rev. Peter was told that giving updates to the congregation periodically on how the Cash in the Plate has been dispersed is beneficial; perhaps first Sunday in December? 

Sandy Smiley: See MAAC report sent out on November 16.  St. Vincent Food Pantry has increased from 7 participants to 34; consistently larger Saturday gatherings is also an example of how food insecurity is ramping up in the community. Dorine Levasseur will bring tags for the Giving Tree for Christmas gifts. Looking into whether cookie delivery for shut-ins will be happening this year for vets. Pertinent information forwarded to Social Justice Committee members to see if there is interest in different programs (Rise Up, etc.) 

Fundraising: ~$2000 in income for October. Successful Road Rally and very successful Craft Fair (~$1700). Discussion about Service Auction for the winter holiday season and spring and/or possibly a repeat Yard Sale for the spring. The Solstice Singers in January along with meal is planned for January 7. More money is needed to meet the fundraising goal for the year. 

Building and Grounds: Conversations with Susie Sherman re: issues. Request to reinstall security system; Susie is going to make a request for someone to look at the current system. Historically there is an internal concern  to have an eye on entrances when alone in the building. Doorbell does not work; Rev. Peter would like this to be taken care of before the next PC meeting. Oven repair ~$680 for entire job, including installation; also we had a $150 donation to help defray the cost, which the PC accepted. Elevator inspected and good for two years; cost is ~$775. 

Contractor said they would clean up leaves for $640, and Patty Simon would do it for $240-$300 (approved). 

Membership: Dorine Levasseur is trying to re-engage the Membership Committee; focus on signing up greeters. Welcoming aspect; membership engagement (interests); remembrance piece/re-engaging those that have drifted away. 

Hospitality: N/A

Other:  Rev. Peter wants to know if there’s a need for an organizational chart of all the committees, or is it more informal? Bob Waterman will follow up with him. 

Meeting concluded at 7:35 pm.

Next PC Meeting:  Wednesday, December 21, at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes taken by Nicole Sykes