Event Series Worship Service – 2024-25

International Women’s Day

Sanctuary 25 South Main Street, Middleborough

Rev. Beau Rivers preaching Join us as we celebrate International Women’s Day! This year’s theme focuses on the need to Accelerate Action if we are to achieve global gender parity before the year 2158 predicted by the World Economic Forum.  Music features women composers. The Chalice Choir will be singing Ella’s Song by Bernice Johnson Reagon of Sweet Honey in the Rock.

Event Series Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration

Church 25 South Main Street, Middleboro

Earth AdvocatesWe will be outside a lot in March, soaking up the sun as it gets closer to the earth and helps all things GROW! It looks like we definitely will be starting our lasagna gardens (compost gardens), feeding our worm farms and planting some seedlings this month. Hooray for spring! Nursery During the Worship ServiceNiko Pucillo-Dunphy and Jesse Hoyle offer child care during the church service.  Please feel free to bring your infants and toddlers to have fun with Niko and Jesse while you are in the sanctuary participating in the service. Youth GroupWe have new goals and new ideas

Youth Group

Parish Hall 25 South Main Street, Middleborough

We have new goals and new ideas for this year.  Youth Group is for children 6th grade and up. We will meet right after church today at 12 p.m.  This will be a short meeting to try again to come up with a time for the group.  If we decide to meet virtually, the link is https://meet.google.com/bbk-fwzw-oop.

Atwater-Donnelly Concert

Church 25 South Main Street, Middleboro

UU Middleboro is excited to present the award-winning traditional folk duo of Aubrey Atwater and Elwood Donnelly in concert on Sunday, March 9 at 3:00 pm. The concert is free and open to the public and will be fun for all ages!

Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.