Minister and Staff

The Rev. Beau Rivers began her ministry with us in August 2024. Rev. Beau earned her Master of Divinity from The Andover Newton Theological School and was ordained on International Women’s Day in 2020. She has served as contract minister at The Unitarian Universalist Church of Weymouth, MA and as WorshipWeb assistant and chaplain coordinator at The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in Boston, MA. She was the sabbatical minister at The United First Parish Church of Quincy, MA during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic. She then went on to serve as senior/solo minister at All Souls UU Church in Braintree, MA from 2021 to 2024.
Rev. Beau brings many skills to the ministry of pastoral care, community building, and long-range planning. She is eager to engage in an ongoing search for truth and meaning with people of all ages and is passionate about social justice in the public sphere, interfaith coalitions, and support for our immigrant and Native American neighbors. Her life and ministry are informed by a deep, life-long meditation practice and her love for the Earth and the life it supports.
Rev. Beau believes that when we honor the interdependence and plurality of all life we reflect our commitment to create a more equitable world. The source of our collective liberation, then, is a generosity of the heart that comes through the transforming power of love. These are the core values of Unitarian Universalism. The need to exercise these values in today’s political climate is vital and we can achieve greater results when we act in community. In the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, Rev. Beau invites you to come, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Director of Religious Exploration
Kelly A. Lownds started as our DRE in September 2019. She has a BA in Hispanic Studies and American Studies with a minor in Educational Psychology from Wheaton College in Norton, Mass., and an MEd in Mental Health Counseling from Bridgewater State University.
Kelly has her Yoga Teacher Certificate, with specialties in Meditation, Reiki, and Hatha Yoga. She has worked full time for 27 years in Child Protection Social Work.
Kelley has taught Sunday school in the church–all ages and stages–since 1995, and raised two daughters in the church. She became a member in 1997, and has served as an at-large member of the Parish Committee and as clerk for 12 years. Kelly has been part of the Spirituality Group, the Sangha Meditation group, and other small-group ministries.

Director of Music
Susan Land Hotchkiss has been an active UU musician since 1976. She was the first Music Director of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Florida, where she founded the Fellowship Singers. Susan was an early member of the UU Musicians Network, serving on the Board of Directors and helping to establish a music leadership role in the district and national levels, particularly with the UUA General Assembly.
Susan is a teacher and collaborative pianist with bachelor’s degrees in English literature and music from UCLA and Florida Atlantic University. She has taught in elementary and secondary schools in California and Florida, and she was an adjunct professor of piano at FAU, also serving as staff accompanist for singers and instrumentalists. She had an active private studio in Boca Raton for many years and served as an adjudicator for festivals and competitions.
Shortly after moving to Middleboro, Susan became our music director in 2008. Her focus has been to build a musical community both within the church and in the wider community. She loves working with the Chalice Choir, Caring Choir, and Family Choir, playing piano and organ, and collaborating with others to craft meaningful worship experiences.

Office Administrator
Valarie Ortelt has been at the church since 1994. She coordinates the administrative tasks that need to be done to keep the church running smoothly. She has four adult children and has been blessed with three grandsons. In her spare time, she loves socializing with family and good friends.

Steve Page has served as sexton at FUUSM since 2014. He is a long-time resident of Middleboro where he and his wife raised their two sons. He owns a small business where he works part-time repairing lawn mowers. Steve enjoys socializing with members of the FUUSM community.