Worship Videos

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2024/04/28 "A Culture of Tribalism" with Rev. Peter Connolly

I expect that many of us have felt part of a "tribe," a group we feel a part of, which helps give us self-definition and allows us to feel part of a greater whole. When that sense becomes solidified into tribalism, though, there's trouble. We'll talk about that today. ...

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2024/04/17 "Remembering the Earth and Ourselves as Sacred" with our Covenant Of UU Pagans chapter

It has now been fifty-four years since the first Earth Day celebration. We have mounted campaigns, crafted slogans, held a yearly COP in far away places, seen protests and marches, made promises and resolutions. The scientists have warned us of the outcome of continuing on our present trajectory, and sadly nothing seems to have made much of an impact. From this pulpit we have considered the Earth as our Mother, our home and our beloved Anam Cara…

This year we will explore a different idea. Many people now believe that the root cause of our current crisis is not physical or moral or existential but rather, it is spiritual. Quite simply, we have forgotten our true nature, our place here, our original instructions. We have forgotten that the Earth is sacred … and so are we. Today we will explore this concept further and see if we can begin to re-member who we are, why we are here and what is ours to do.

2024/04/14 "Putting the 'Human' in Humanism" with Rev. Peter Connolly

Recently, several members and friends of the church completed a 7-session reading and discussion group on the topic of "UU Humanism." Today, we'll share some of what we discovered as well as explore the roots of Religious Humanism in our tradition. ...

2024/04/07 "Seinfeld as Religious Metaphor" with Rev. Peter Connolly

Download sermon text: https://bit.ly/3VOdano
The situation comedy that we all know as Seinfeld ended years ago, but seems destined to live on forever in reruns, on DVD, and in our cultural consciousness. In this, the week when many of us have been April fools, it might be time to take a break for some fun-- and to find what truths live even in comedy.

2024/03/31 "Passover, Ostara, Easter" with Rev. Peter Connolly

The Pagan, Jewish and Christian traditions all celebrate holy days in the Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Today, we'll look at how the traditions developed and how they can inform our spiritual journeys. The Chalice Choir will be singing. ...

2024/03/24 "Palm Sunday: Can It Speak to Us UUs?" with Valerie Fontaine

This morning we welcome Valerie Fontaine to the pulpit. Valerie is a longtime member of this church and sings with the Chalice Choir. She is also a member and past chair of the Music Committee and was instrumental in having the handicapped accessible door installed. Please join Valerie in an exploration of potential lessons and revelations that might hold meaning for our lives today. Special music will be provided by Dan Hotchkiss. ...

2024/03/17 "Women's History: Gains and Goals" with Rev. Peter Connolly and Natalie Johnson

Download sermon text: https://bit.ly/43upFGv
Women's History month presents us with an opportunity to look back on the gains we've experienced in women's rights, even in our lifetimes, while recognizing that in some respects, there is still a long way to go to reach full equality.

2024/03/10 "Bringing Our Values to Life" with Rev. Peter Connolly

Download sermon text: https://bit.ly/3IDaH7l
Today, we'll look at the many ways we at UU Middleboro embody the values we claim and look, too, at ways we can more fully grow into the values captured in our Seven Principles.

2024/03/03 "Life in a Generous Universe" with Jeff Giddings

If we are mindful and not wasteful, somehow we often receive what we need. A deep awareness of this cosmic generosity affects the way we feel about the world and other people.

This morning we welcome Jeff Giddings to the pulpit. Jeff is a longtime member of this church and now serves as Assistant Treasurer, member of the Finance Committee and the Parish Committee, weekly live-stream operator, and co-leader of the Spirit & Meaning Group. He is also on the board of the Matthew Mission Food Pantry in Taunton, MA.

2024/02/25 "Black Lives Matter. All Lives Matter." with Rev. Peter Connolly

Download sermon text: https://bit.ly/black-lives-matter-connolly
Today, we'll look at the reality behind the rhetoric in the continuing struggle for equality for all races in the United States, exploring what we mean by "social justice."

2024/02/18 "African American Voices" with Rev. Peter Connolly

Download sermon text: https://bit.ly/3T7UUDy
From lives of hardship and persecution, Americans whose roots are in Africa have responded in ways thoughtful and inspiring. We'll spend some time with those stories today.

2024/02/11 "Mr. Darwin and His God" with Rev. Peter Connolly

When he signed on as the ship's naturalist on HMS Beagle in 1831, Charles Darwin considered himself a Biblical literalist and a scripture-based moralist; his study of the natural world profoundly challenged those notions. What can we learn from Darwin's spiritual journey? ...

2024/02/04 "How (Not) to Pursue Happiness" with Rev. Dan Hotchkiss

The idea that we should live in the pursuit of happiness is embedded deep in our culture. We lose weight, earn money, make friends, and even cultivate our families and friendships in the hope of making ourselves happy. Dan Hotchkiss will share one of his favorite Bible books, Ecclesiastes, which offers some other ways to think about the purpose of our lives. ...