Worship Videos

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2024/07/28 "Curiosity in the Era of Electronic Media: Match Made in Heaven or Hell?" with Diane Reed

In this era where information, entertainment and unlimited re-sources are at our fingertips, has electronic media become a curse or an opportunity to satisfy our innate curiosity? Let’s explore how that access can provide an opportunity to learn more about our faith, ourselves and the world around us. ...

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2024/07/21 "Paganism and What It Really Means" with Tanya Trezciak

An exploration of one of the most misunderstood spiritual practices and how it has changed from ancient times to the present day. ...

2024/07/14 "Experience in the Peace Corps" with Liz Elgosin

A personal account of how service in the Peace Corps broadened my life and why every teenager should experience it. Costa Rica then and now. Culture shock and culture awareness. ...

2024/07/07 "A Short History of Middleboro" with Jeff Stevens

A brief overview of the early history of our town including early Indian history before the Europeans’ arrival. The impact of first contact with European traders and fisherman, the arrival of the Pilgrims and first white settlers to the area. An overview of early Middleboro “town” history through the Revolution. ...

2024/06/30 "Activism: What Does It Mean to Be an Activist in This World?," with Dorine Levasseur

“I just want to live my life. I’m not political. You can’t fight City Hall. My vote doesn’t matter. No matter what I do I’m just one person. What difference would it make? Leave me alone.” Sound familiar? Have you heard yourself expressing versions of these thoughts out loud—or saying them to yourself? Why does it matter anyway? Activism can mean so many different things — and take very unsuspected forms. This is not about convincing anyone to be an activist. Instead, this will be a conversation about what it means to live our values. Spoiler alert: It means different things to different people. ...

2024/06/23 "Farewell to Rev. Peter"

The congregation will have the opportunity to express their gratitude to Rev. Peter for stepping up to the plate and ministering to us for the past two years. We will wish him well on the next phase of his journey. You're invited to bring a snack to share for our period of fellowship afterwards. ...

2024/06/16 "Celebration Sunday" with Rev. Peter Connolly

Download Rev. Connolly's remarks: https://bit.ly/4bjtdh6
Probably more than in any other denomination, the success of a church in the Unitarian Universalist tradition depends on the active involvement of its members. Today we celebrate and give thanks for the many ways our members contribute to our success.

2024/06/09 Religious Exploration Sunday with Religious Exploration Youth presenting

The youth will be hosting the service this morning. We will have a homily and a bridging ceremony for Conor Dragunas and Mia Stevens . In addition to celebrating Pride Month, we will explore the curriculum we completed this year, “Creating Home “ and “Sing to the Power.” Our youth are a group with a strong center and are excited to celebrate. In “Creating Home “ we learned about how to make home wherever we are, and what values go into that. In “Sing to the “Power," we dug down into our desire for justice and committed to the elements and the virtues they represent. ...

2024/06/02 "Reflections on Thirty Years of Ministry" with Rev. Peter Connolly

Download sermon text: https://bit.ly/3wYZ34N
As in any profession, in ministry there are ups and downs, successes and failures. Our stories help shape us and may provide lessons for others. Today, Rev. Connolly provides stories. And the lessons?

2024/05/26 "Memorial Day and Our Civil Religion" with Rev. Peter Connolly

Memorial Day honors those who died while serving in this country's armed forces. When we look closely at the symbols for the country for which those sacrifices were made, we find them saturated with religious significance. Today we will take a close look at this connection. ...

2024/05/19 Music Sunday

Music Sunday this year is a series of reflections on MUSIC by Susan Hotchkiss (Music Director), joined by the Chalice Choir, vocal ensembles, soloists, and instrumentalists. What is the connection between music and nature, music and people, people and nature? Why is music important? Quoting Frank Ticheli, “music and singing can be our refuge, our light against darkness and strife.” Join us as we celebrate the power of music and its ability to connect us all. ...

2024/05/12 "The Dedication of Mothers" with Rev. Peter Connolly

On Mother's Day, we take some time to acknowledge what we do not acknowledge enough-- the love and dedication that mothers bring to the lives of their family members, the love that binds wounds and soothes aching hearts. ...

2024/05/05 "Intimacy and Interdependence" with Rev. Peter Connolly

Download sermon text: https://bit.ly/4bLXbuV
To experience intimacy with another human being is one of the great joys in life. To experience a feeling of independence can make one feel expansive. Today, we'll explore the teachings of the Dalai Lama that allow us to see the key connection between these two experiences.