Religious Exploration with Children and Youth

A Safe Space for Children

Are you looking for a safe space to bring your children on Sunday mornings where they can grow socially, emotionally and spiritually?  Please consider joining us on a Sunday morning.  Enrollment is available at any time during the school year. Please join us in person or look for the registration link and/or register below.

Religious Exploration in February

Religious Exploration in February

We love our children at UU Middleboro.  Our RE program works hard to make children feel welcome, seen and heard.  All our programs offer open enrollment. Our Sunday morning RE program occurs during the church service and has open enrollment. We are developing our new outdoor space we share with church, prepping to grow plants and flowers and continuing to explore nature. We do nature walks, crafts, tell stories and share ideas about our local environment, animal habitats and native plants.  We consider our role in sustainability.

Registration is rolling throughout the year and is available here: Religious Exploration Registration Form (

Earth Advocates!
OK Earth Advocates!! This is our in-church RE class for school age children.  We are getting back on track and getting outside more as the weather starts to grow warmer!   We will be starting our lasagna gardens (compost gardens), feeding our worm farms and planting some seedlings in the month coming up.  

Youth Group
We have new goals and new ideas for this upcoming year in 2025.  Youth Group is for children 6thgrade and up. We will have a virtual meeting on 2/9/2024.  The link is

If our plans work, we will continue to meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.  We have been going on outings and helping around church.  We are very excited to try working with the Taunton UU church to build some more opportunities to be together in different ways.

Babysitting Available!
Nursery Care continues to be available for babies and toddlers under five years of age each Sunday morning from 10:15 to 11:45.  Child care is also offered during other church activities. 

Family Worship Services
The children will be upstairs for family worship services once a month. Our next one is 02/16/2025. We keep this service to 45 minutes, with announcements and joys and concerns occurring after the service is complete. The February family service will explore how our values of Justice, Equity, Transformation, Plurality, Interdependence, and Generosity are rooted in Love. There will be storytelling, a Chocolate Strawberry communion, and an intergenerational activity during coffee hour. We will also lift up random acts of kindness we have received or bestowed upon others in the last 30 days.

RE Committee
 The RE Committee meets on the 22nd Wednesday of the month at 6pm.  In February it will be on 2/12/2025.  We meet at church in the Parish Hall in the RE space.  Christine Hoyle is the Committee Chair.  We are always looking for new volunteers.  If you need to join us virtually, please let me know ahead of time and join with this link:

Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration

Read all RE posts

Upcoming RE events

Youth Group
12:00 pm
Youth Group
12:00 pm
Youth Group
12:00 pm

Religious Exploration
at UU Middleboro


We believe that each and every person is important.

We believe that all people should be treated fairly.

We believe that our churches are places where all people are accepted and where we keep on learning together.

We believe that each person must be free to search for what is true and right in life.

We believe that everyone should have a vote about things that concern them.

We believe in working for a peaceful, fair and free world.

We believe in caring for our planet earth.


Please contact:

Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration Committee:
Christine Hoyle, Chair; Kelly Lownds; Chris Dargelis