Spring Auction Kick-Off

This spring we're organizing an on-line auction featuring a variety of goods, services, and events.  It's a great chance to connect with Church friends and have some fun throughout the summer! We're seeking offerings that might include: - Hosted events - meals, picnics, outings, walks - Prepared meals, treats, baked goodies - Themed gift baskets - Novelty/hand-crafted items - Gift cards - Garden/yard chores, help around the house - Help with shopping, transporting items, rides - What else? Please submit your offerings by email to uu362@comcast.net or contact the Church office at 508-947-1935.  Include a description of your offering, quantities, picture (if possible), and suggested minimum bid.  If there's something

Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.