Week of Events
Looking for God, Part 1
Looking for God, Part 1
The Chalice Choir will present portions of “Requiem” composed by John Rutter, one of the top living composers of our time.
Religious Exploration
Religious Exploration
Nursery CareNursery care is available during the church service each week, courtesy of Niko Pucillo-Dunphy. RE Children's ClassesIn May, as we Explore Beyond Our Walls, we will be traveling to India for a folktale called The Dog and The Heartless King. We will become watchdogs for justice and will do a small activity where we will take turns being "watchdogs for justice." We will be working on the end of the year gifts for RE and preparing for the Youth Service scheduled for June 11. Youth GroupIn May we will shift Youth Group to the first and third Sunday evenings.
Youth Group
Youth Group
Youth GroupIn May we will shift Youth Group to the first and third Sunday evenings. We are meeting this evening, 5:00 - 7:00, in the Parish Hall. This week we will explore the concepts of heaven and hell and create a story we will title The Awful Day. Our Youth Service is only 4 weeks away, and we will continue our planning and creating our Order of Service. We will solidify our planning to participate in Pride Fest and in a social action project.
CUUPS Beltane Ritual
CUUPS Beltane Ritual
CUUPS will celebrate Beltane, the great fire festival that honors the full blessing of the Earth in renewal. In earlier times, bonfires would blaze on the hilltops, illuminating the night sky. People would dance the Maypole, and young lovers would celebrate their tryst by jumping the broom. It is still a time of rejoicing….of celebrating the return of vibrant color, sweet scents, lush abundance and High Magick as Nature sends forth new life; and we welcome the coming warmth and ease of summer. Everything is new and lovely, everything holds promise. Everything seems possible and indeed……it is. Join us this
Peaceful Quilters
Peaceful Quilters
The Peaceful Quilters meet every Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Care Team on Zoom
Chalice Choir Rehearsal
Chalice Choir Rehearsal
The Chalice Choir is a volunteer group that meets in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30. This choir sings every other Sunday from a wide variety of choral anthems, most set in four parts: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Membership is open but limited. Please contact Susan Hotchkiss for more information.
Order of Service Deadline
Order of Service Deadline
Please send your information for the Order of Service to office@uumiddleboro.org by Wednesday at noon for the following Sunday.
Music Committee on Zoom
Music Committee on Zoom
The Music Committee meets virtually on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 7:00-8:00. The role of the music committee is to support and enhance the music program, bring fresh ideas, help set goals, and monitor progress. We are open to new members.
Spirituality Group on Zoom
Spirituality Group on Zoom
This is a small affinity group for individuals who wish to explore personal spiritual topics. Contact Bob Waterman for more information.
Breakfast Prep
Song Circle
Song Circle
We are continuing our new Song Circle at FUUSM for folks who enjoy getting together with others to sing — no particular expertise required, the point is having fun and learning!
RSVP to andreapriesto@gmail.com so we can add your chair to the circle!
Just This Sangha on Zoom
Just This Sangha on Zoom
Just This Sangha meets virtually (via Zoom) nearly every Friday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 for silent meditation and sharing of our practice experience. From a Buddhist, particularly Zen, perspective, we focus on bringing practice to daily life; exploring letting go of our usual habitual reactivity and opening to ourselves and others as we actually are. Not a drop-in group, we do welcome potentially new members to join us for a few sessions to see if the group is a good fit. Contact Tom Tanguay at Thisjustthis@gmail.com for more information.
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Tony Soares and his crew will be cooking up a yummy feast to celebrate Mothers at our Mother’s Day Breakfast. Invite a friend—reservations required: https://uumiddleboro.org/event/mothers-day-brunch/
Enough Is Enough!
Enough Is Enough!
Rally to Support Reproductive Rights and Bodily Autonomy Federal Building53 N. Sixth StreetNew Bedford Sponsored by Our Bodies Our Lives Coalition (South Coast LGBTQ+ Network, YWCA of Southeastern MA, Women’s Alliancef SE MA, and others), and Clergy
Peace, Justice & Equality Vigil
Peace, Justice & Equality Vigil
Peace, Equality & Justice Vigil - Saturdays, 11:30 -12:00 on the church lawn. If you are interested in standing with us but would like the training first, please add your name, but put an X in the first column. All are invited to join in. Sign up for training and/or the vigil by visiting Vigil Sign-Ups. If you want to be notified of rare cancellations, please give Dody Adkins-Perry your contact information.
Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.