Week of Events
Religious Exploration
Religious Exploration
Earth AdvocatesThis morning we will stay upstairs for our family friendly service, Trust the Seed. We will explore the meaning of trust and the vital role it plays in our lives. Erik Lindgren will be our guest pianist, and Ed Priest will provide an Irish Musical Offering. Nursery During the Worship ServiceNiko Pucillo-Dunphy and Jesse Hoyle offer child care during the church service. Please feel free to bring your infants and toddlers to have fun with Niko and Jesse while you are in the sanctuary participating in the service. Youth GroupWe have new goals and new ideas for this year. Youth Group is for
Trust the Seed
Trust the Seed
Rev. Beau Rivers preaching In this family friendly service, we will explore the meaning of trust and the vital role it plays in our lives. Erik Lindgren will be our guest pianist, and Ed Priest will provide an Irish Musical Offering.
Book Discussion Group on Zoom
Book Discussion Group on Zoom
The UU Book Club continues to meet on the third Monday of the month. Book Club members will be emailed the Zoom link a few days before each meeting. The book for March is The Mighty Red by Louise Erdrich.
If you are not on the Book Club’s email list, but would like to join us for the discussion, please contact Lois Aldrich (lois.aldrich63@gmail.com). New and old members are welcome.
LGBTQ Teen Support Group
LGBTQ Teen Support Group
36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”
LGBTQ Adult Support Group
LGBTQ Adult Support Group
36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”
Peaceful Quilters
Lay Ministry on Zoom
Lay Ministry on Zoom
Members of this team are trained to offer lay pastoral counseling. They may also provide meals; visits; phone calls; cards; transportation to medical appointments, the grocery store, church, or social outings; help with yard work; music; or respite/break time for caregivers. Contact: Susan Curtiss
Chalice Choir Rehearsal
Chalice Choir Rehearsal
The Chalice Choir is a volunteer group that meets in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30. This choir sings every other Sunday from a wide variety of choral anthems, most set in four parts: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Membership is open but limited. Please contact Susan Hotchkiss for more information.
Order of Service Deadline
UU Updates Deadline
UU Updates Deadline
Please note that the deadline to submit items to the church office for Friday's UU Updates is Wednesday at 12:00 noon.
Meditation Group
Meditation Group
The Meditation Group meets every Wednesday afternoon in the Avis Clay Parlor to practice quiet meditation. It is open to those new to meditation as well as experienced meditators. Contact: Holly Begley or Diane Reed
Parish Committee
How Lies Become Truth on Zoom
How Lies Become Truth on Zoom
Another great Zoom presentation by Living Legacy from their Spring series, Giving Life the Shape of Justice. Register at https://www.livinglegacypilgrimage.org/2025springeducationseries.html. Program is free; donations are gratefully received.
How do false narratives take hold and become widely accepted as truth? This webinar will honor the 60th anniversary of the Selma Voting Rights Campaign and the memory of UU Rev. James Reeb.
Handcrafters Group
Handcrafters Group
Do you enjoy hand crafts such as knitting, crocheting, embroidery, needlepoint, quilting, etc.? We are resurrecting our hand crafting group. We gather once per month to work on our projects, offer support, and also make prayer shawls for folks in the congregation in need of comfort. Come experts and newbies (we can help teach you) and gather for handwork, snacks, and conversation. The Handcrafters Group is meeting the third Thursday of every month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Avis Clay Parlor
Middleboro Candidates Night
Middleboro Candidates Night
At the Middleboro Council on Aging, 558 Plymouth Street. Sponsored by Nemasket Week and the Middleboro Rotary Club, and moderated by Bob Saquet of the Rotary Club. There are only two contested races in this year's Middleboro town election (which will be held on Saturday, April 5, from 8am to 8pm): Selectboard: Sarah Alison Wilbar is running against incumbents Bill Pike and Brian Giavanoni in a three-way race for two seats. Both seats are for a three-year term. School Committee: Abie Gonzalez and Shannon Marie Breen are running against incumbent Chris Benson in a three-way race for two seats. Both
ACLU Know Your Rights Training: Mass Deportations
ACLU Know Your Rights Training: Mass Deportations
The ACLU is running excellent Zoom trainings for people who need to know their rights in the face of mass deportations being threatened and carried out by the current administration. The trainings are great also for allies who need to know how we can protect immigrants facing these threats. One tactic that we understand the people carrying out the roundups sometimes use is to knock on a neighbor's (your) door under guise of a wellness check. So if only to avoid being an unwitting pawn in someone else's deportation, it pays to attend this great session. Trainings are free. Register
Organ Practice
Sign-Making for Saturday Standouts for Democracy with be; and Other Events
Sign-Making for Saturday Standouts for Democracy with be; and Other Events
Join with others in making signs to hold at standouts for the causes you believe in. They have plenty of supplies available. At 36 North Bedford St, East Bridgewater. For more information: https://be-community.org/ 508-274-3625
Song Circle
Song Circle
We hope you will join us for this fun night of music, sponsored by the Church and open to the public! We start at 6:00 p.m. Please bring your own snacks! A circle of chairs will be set up along with a portable keyboard, and we will provide some percussion instruments.
Participants can bring their own guitars, ukuleles, dulcimers, etc., or just their voices – hands for clapping and feet for stomping!
Stand Outs in the Bridgewaters with be;
Stand Outs in the Bridgewaters with be;
Demonstrate for Democracy: 3 towns/1 day! First stop Bridgewater Center, 10 to 11, Sidewalk in front of Walgreens Second stop East Bridgewater Center, 11:30 to 12:30, Sidewalk in front of CVS Third stop West Bridgewater Center, 1 to 2 all sidewalks at intersection https://be-community.org/ 508-274-3645
Website Spring Training
Website Spring Training
Are you curious about how our church website works? Do you want to publicize church-related activities on the web, in the UU Updates, the Newsletter, and social media? This one-hour training session with Dan Hotchkiss will prepare you to promote your events and programs.
Peace, Justice & Equality Vigil
Peace, Justice & Equality Vigil
We continue scheduling weekly ½ hour vigils on Saturday mornings from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the church lawn. All are invited to join in. Contact Dody Adkins-Perry with any questions.
Active Hope Community of Practice
Active Hope Community of Practice
with Natalie Johnson Meeting of participants from the Active Hope workshop.
Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.