Presented by Linda Thompson on June 16, 2024
The Elsie Gaudette Award has been well written about and included in the website with its history and pictures. Elsie was a human dynamo of energy, dedicated to serving this church in any and every way she could.
We are very much in need of at least one other member for the Worship Committee. We meet with the minister once a month to plan replacements in the pulpit when she is not here. We also make sure there is a Worship Associate for each Sunday service. Val O. sends out the Opening Words and instructions for the Worship Associate, and the Opening Words are also on the podium.
Welcome to the start of an exciting church year! The Parish Committee has been working with our new Minister, Rev. Beau Rivers, to outline goals and plans for the coming year. We face challenges – attracting and keeping new members, streamlining our administrative functions and organizational structure, raising money for necessary repairs to the building, among others – but we can make headway on all of these goals if YOU get involved.
Greetings UU Middleboro! As your new minister, I look forward to greeting you warmly as we gather Sunday, September 8th to celebrate the start of the new church year and the beginning of our shared ministry! I want to thank members of the Search Committee (Jim Bonnar, Vi Fairweather, Lois Aldrich, Andrea Priest, and David Kraemer) for their tireless dedication in the search process and for recommending me to the Board as your next minister.
What a wondrous feeling to be gearing up for a new church year, full of promise and possibility! In addition to worship, there will be workshops, concerts, fundraisers, caroling, Music Sunday, and Song Circles (second Friday of each month.) We have many fine performers in our music program, singers and instrumentalists. Our first goal is to build a musical community that gives us connection not only to one another, but to the spirit of love, awe, and generosity. Alleluia!
At UU Middleboro we strive to create a program that allows our children to explore their ideas and faith in a safe and nurturing environment. We draw our curriculum from the Tapestry of Faith on the UUA website for both the children and the youth. We work hard to allow for the children to enjoy faith, fellowship, food and fun! Registration is rolling throughout the year and is available here. Religious Exploration Registration Form (
UU Middleboro thanks the Middleboro Rotary Club for the new Peace Pole they have installed on our front lawn. A dedication ceremony will be held on a Sunday in September, date to be announced. The Rotary Club and other community representatives will participate.
Please plan to join us this fall! Registration is recommended, but not required for your children to attend classes. We use the registration to help us understand the children in class, their needs and any allergies they may bring.
You are invited to create a personal page with your photo and brief text for the welcome book for our new minister, Rev. Beau Rivers! She is arriving on August 1 and will lead her first worship service at Ingathering on Sunday, Sept. 8. She brings so many talents and rich experiences; we are excited to meet her!