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Cooler Middleborough Fair

April 27, 2024 @ 11:00 am 2:00 pm

Middleborough High School gymnasium (rear of building)

Have you ever been inside a whale? Or tried out an induction cooktop? Been to a big event held in a safe, enclosed space (the High School gym), so your children can explore kid-friendly, fun educational activities while you explore the nuts and bolts of achieving a more comfortable house–warm in winter, cool in summer–without breaking the bank?

Bring home a chart that lays out all the rebates and incentives available, side by side, for comparison. Learn also about the new zero/low interest loans available to help you get from here to there. Vendors, consultants and contractors will be on hand. The High School’s YESS environmental club will be on board, as will many community organizations.

Outside, there will be electric vehicles, and a variety of local foods for purchase.

If you’re coming to the church’s Springtime Gala and Tapas Galore fundraiser that evening, it will be a Saturday when you don’t have to fix anything past breakfast.

The Fair is free. It is co-sponsored by:

Cooler Communities: https://coolercommunities.org/

New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance: https://www.necwa.org/

Sustainable Middleborough: https://sustainablemiddleborough.org/

Mass. Cultural Council: https://massculturalcouncil.org/

and the Middleborough High School Youth Environmental Social Society

“Salt,” the whale, at Cooler Middleborough Fair 2023

Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.