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Full Moon Meditation on Zoom

November 15, 2024 @ 6:00 pm 6:45 pm

with Natalie Johnson

This month’s Full Moon occurs in the sign of Taurus, the quintessential Earth sign. Taurus reminds us of the importance of hearth and home, of belonging to a place, a family, a nation, an idealogy worth holding onto.  Taurus encourages us to send our roots deep into Earth Herself for stability, nourishment and grounding in order to withstand whatever storms might be brewing on the horizon.  


Like the trees, we can root deeply into Earth and also send our branches of aspiration high into the sky to receive blessings from above.

This is also the time of year to give thanks for our many blessings and to remember from whom we receive them.  If we will soon sit down to a traditional Thanksgiving meal, let us pause to remember whose land we are on and what we owe those who have been displaced during colonization. Let us acknowledge the land itself and vow to caretake it with the same reverence its former inhabitants bestowed upon it.  As we prepare to feast, may we acknowledge all those whose efforts brought this meal to us: the good earth for growing the vegetables, the animals whose sacrifice is on our plates, the many hands who sowed, tended, and harvested. The rain and sun who in good measure engendered growth. Our very lives depend on the generosity of so many others human and more than.  Let us give thanks and remember to offer that same generosity of spirit as we seek to share with others.

Come join us this night as we reflect on our many blessings… All are welcome.


Zoom Link

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