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New Moon Meditation on Zoom

with Natalie Johnson

April 8, 2024 @ 6:00 pm 6:45 pm


This month’s New Moon falls in the sign of Aries, the first sign of   the Zodiac and its prime mover and shaker. With the tenacity and zeal of the ram, Aries boldly goes where no one else dares to venture and infuses innovation and vision into old, worn out systems.

We also have a total solar eclipse on the same date, so this is a supercharged powerhouse of a day.

Eclipses are enormously powerful and can really stir things up.  Coupled with the intensive solar flares of late, the heavens are offering us an important boost to anything we wish to manifest right now.  Of course, these energies are indiscriminate in themselves and so must be directed to where they can do the most good. Already on our planet we see the terrible misuse of energy in the form of increased violence, hatred, war and loss. The celestial energies add to all of that as well, so it is important for those of us who desire peace and an end to suffering to work a little harder and more directly to ensure that the extra assistance is put to proper use.

Join us tonight as together, we craft a new manifesto to send out into the collective and, with the help of these energies, voice a clear message that it is time for peace, harmony and compassion for all life on Earth.

All are welcome.


Zoom Link

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