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New Moon Meditation on Zoom
with Natalie Johnson
July 17, 2023 @ 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm
Zoom LinkUpdatesOnlyURL
https://zoom.us/j/96257791101This New Moon falls in the sign of Cancer, the quintessential sign of
the Mother, be it birth, earth or cosmic. The expression of the Divine Feminine that embodies the qualities of life giver, nurturer, protector is in full flower everywhere we look.
We are in high summer now, surrounded by the lushness of growth, the fulfillment of the impulse to life…….it is the time when the devas and nature spirits finally take a well deserved break and go off planet to rest and rejuvenate. The plants and all other life are well on their way to completing their life cycle and no longer need constant tending. We are surrounded by abundance, fullness, beauty and completion.
More than human mothers have done their jobs, and babies with fur and fin and feathers are well on their way to independence. Monarchs are eating their way to transformation, hummingbirds are already thinking about their flight southward, woodchuck babies are devouring gardens everywhere, bulking up for the cold times and hibernation that will come soon enough. Although to us humans it is still the height of summer, to the rest of the natural world, the wheel has already turned, and they are mindful of what comes next. But we can afford to linger in summer this night. Savor the warmth and beauty of flowers, the promise of a good harvest in our gardens, the magic of fireflies who come out of the deep woods to put on their light show each night and then disappear once again. Let us take some time this night to share memories of magical summer days and nights with each other.
Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.