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RE in October

RE Committee: We will meet on the first Wednesday of the month, October 4, in person at the church at 6:30 p.m.  This month we will be planning for our Annual Bonfire Party and our fall and early winter activities.  

Coffee Hour for Parents:  We will bring back an opportunity for parents to share during coffee hour.  We will set up a table for parents and will try to meet once a month on the second Sunday of the month as appropriate.  This month our time together will be on October 8.  I will reserve a table for the group, and anyone who is interested is welcome to join us!

Registration for RE:  Forms are available in church, and the registration fee can be paid anytime by check or with cash.  We also have online registration.  Thank you, Greg Stevens, for creating the link and the Google form that allows our registrants to add their information. Registration Link:

RE Classes:  This year the children will be exploring the concept of home, their family home, the homes of creatures of the earth, their spiritual homes and the homes of those outside our community and in the larger world. Our first lessons are about thresholds, and we will be decorating the threshold at church with pretty paper flowers.  We will also share some flowers with a nursing home and decorate the threshold of someone in need of cheering up.  We will consider our spiritual home and the symbols we embrace to represent it.  We build a bear of wholeness through the year, stuffing a teddy bear and filling it with badges that match our values, goals and loves.  We are meeting our bears on October 1.  

Youth Group:  We are going to “Sing to the Power” this year in Youth Group.  We will be exploring the power we have to make the world a better place together.  We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. – October 8 and October 22.  We will have some pot luck dinners this year as well as our favorite pizza. 

Annual Bonfire: We will have our Annual Bonfire Party on Sunday, October 29.  Currently, the party is planned at the church from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.  More to come on our plans.  We will have our traditional bone hunt, mummy wrapping contest, trick or treat game and donut eating contest but will also try to add some new traditions.  Please plan to join the RE families and youth.

Candles and Crafts:  We will be making candles together to sell at the Craft Fair UU table on November 4.  More to come for plans regarding this.

RE Closet and Space: The RE families came together in August to clean out the RE closet, organize it and make it a more usable space.  There are a couple small projects being finished by the youth in the upcoming month, but overall things are looking good!  We are trying to configure the RE area so it is most usable with the new coffee hour tables, and our new book system is in the works.  Thank you everyone who came to help!  

LGBTQIA Support Group:  We are still working on this being a functional group.  We had a successful couple of groups for planning in the spring and will work to make this a great group this fall. We’ll meet on the 4th  Wednesday of the month, October 25, at the church from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.  It is planned for youth, families and allies of the youth.  

Social Action: I am looking for someone to help organize a few social action opportunities for the youth.  Part of our curriculum this year will have us decorating the threshold at church and also at a nursing home, collecting food for the pantry and collecting toys for the shelters.  

Volunteers for RE Classes: I will be reaching out looking for people to be downstairs with me again this year.  I need an adult every week to help ensure we have a safe, well managed classroom for our youth.  CORIs are completed on each volunteer and are good for three years.

Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration