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4th Annual UU Road Rally deemed a great success!

On Saturday, October 19 the UU held its 4th Annual Road Rally.  On a beautiful, sunny and warm day, 10 teams completed a  28 mile course, driving through the splendor of Middleboro and Lakeville fall foliage.  Congratulations to the trophy/medal winners!

  • First Place: Team Benard – Rick, Cindy, Sydney, Amelie
  • Second Place: Team Plymouth – Mal Marvill, Helen Jones, Katie Allen, Sue Curtiss
  • Third Place: Team Gunn/Sykes- Adrian, Nicole, Emmett, Eamon

The “Persevering Pumpkin Award” for finishing no matter what went to Team 7:

  • Kim Correia, Kelly Lownds, Christine Hoyle and Patricia Thomas 

“Well done” to all participants in what may have been the toughest course yet.  And a huge “Thank You!” to the Music Committee for sponsoring this event year after year and to all the volunteers who worked to make this event a success:

Susan Hotchkiss; Bet Giddings; Andrea Priest; Val Ortelt; Stephen Larrett; Jayne Johnson.  And thanks to  those who just pitched in to get things set up and taken down and otherwise helped to make it all happen. 

An ENORMOUS thank you goes to Ed Priest, our very own Music Man who, for all 4 years of this event, has provided the post-Rally music!

As a result of everyone’s efforts and generous donations, we expect to net over $800 for the UU!  

Mark your calendars for the 5th Annual UURR targeted for Saturday, October 18, 2025!

Over & Out for now: John Mullen, fearless leader of the Road Rally!