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Religious Exploration

Summer, 2022

Thank you to everyone who made this year a success! I love being the Director of Religious Exploration, and I’m excited to announce that we rocked it this year!. I’m extremely grateful to everyone who contributed inside and outside the classroom. We were successful in having weekly Sunday School virtually, and by the end of the year we were able to consistently meet together in person. What will next year bring?  We will see, but we are all optimistic that it will be mostly in person. 

We will have an opportunity this summer to come together and celebrate the great year we had.  Look out for an email with more information.

This coming year we will be “exploring beyond our walls.”  Every day our children go forth into a complex world where they are often faced with difficult decisions and situations. Moral Tales attempts to provide children with the spiritual and ethical tools they will need to make choices and take actions reflective of their Unitarian Universalist beliefs and values.  Our youth will explore various types of worship as well and take some “field trips” to other religious services in the area.  

We can’t do a good job without everyone in church pitching in to support our program! What can you offer to our youth? Are you willing to teach a session for 4 to 6 weeks, work with youth one evening a month or substitute one or two times during the year, offer a special project, become part of the RE Committee? Please email the DRE at to let me know you are interested. I will be reaching out to everyone to ask for any help people are willing to give. 

Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration