by Rev. Peter Connolly

Greetings, friends!

Whether we measure it by the meteorological calendar or the astronomical, there’s no denying that fall has arrived.  Our FUUSM community marked the beginning of a new church year, as well, with our annual ingathering service and water communion.  From many places, many streams, we brought our containers of water, combining in one bowl this symbol of our ongoing life together.  Then we added the water to our memorial garden, honoring our past and adding promise to our future.

Future minister’s notes will be of a more reflective nature, I’m sure, but I thought my first letter to the congregation might serve best as a report on my first few weeks as your interim minister.  I’ve met twice with the Parish Committee, once formally, once informally, and have enjoyed learning how the church conducts its business affairs and institutional functions.  I’ve met with our wonderful Caring Teams and learned how truly they have earned that designation.  I’ve met with our Social Justice Team and have been impressed with the variety of forms this church’s social concern takes.  I’ve led two worship services and delivered three sermons, trying my best to present myself authentically to the congregation as well as emphasizing the importance of building and sustaining community while watching out for the pitfalls that can complicate and even undermine our efforts.  I’ve attended the second of many UUA trainings for those new to interim ministry and I attended the first of this year’s meetings of the Ballou Channing UUMA chapter.

I’ve had my first meeting with church staff and have been favorably impressed by their skills, talent, and dedication.  I’ve loved listening to the choir sing on two Sundays and have enjoyed Kelly Lownds’ selections for stories for all ages.  I’ve enjoyed meeting parishioners at coffee hours and church activities. And I’ve felt warmly welcomed by the church community, both at the “Welcome, Peter” event on September 11 (thank you, Andrea Priest for your leadership!) and elsewhere.

I think we’re off to a wonderful start and I thank you all for the parts you’ve played in that.  May the fall bring blessings of a fresh start to all of us in whatever stage of life we find ourselves.  And may our spirits unite to light the way as we move into this new stage of church life together.

See you at church!

Rev. Peter