Event Series Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration

Parish Hall 25 South Main Street, Middleborough

Welcome Back Everyone!  Sunday School is back in person this year!! Church starts at 10:30, and we will be meeting during the church service and head downstairs after the Message for All Ages around 10:45.  Registration is rolling and can be completed at any time. Registration Link:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQOe5r9Vrq3mvRsPLXYSRb6Xpcl-uhLg5ChzswG2ZVuPqiJQ/viewform?usp=sf_link This year we are Exploring Beyond Our Walls.   Every day our children are often faced with difficult decisions and situations.  We have agreed as a group to really try to understand and learn our Seven Principles, and through the year we will be collecting gems that will represent our learnings through moral tales. 

Event Series Worship Service

Columbus Meets Indigenous People’s Day

Church 25 South Main Street, Middleboro

 Rev. Peter Connolly preaching The teaching (and learning) of any society's history has ethical and cultural dimensions.  Today, we'll talk about the uneasy coexistence of two national celebrations.  The Chalice Choir will be singing.

Virtual RE Parent Coffee Hour

Our parent group meets the 2nd Sunday of the month after church.  We will meet at 11:45.  There will be a table in the children’s area for anyone interested in meeting in person, and we will have a link that will go out in Updates for anyone wishing to join virtually. 

Virtual Full Moon Meditation

with Natalie Johnson This Full Moon falls in the sign of Aries, the sign of the zodiac most associated with innovation, courage to act boldly and leadership. The Full Moon always holds a sense of completion, of bringing to fruition what we have been trying to manifest in our lives.   Aries lends his momentum to this night as we reflect on our progress with all we have taken on in this tumultuous year of 2022.  At times it seems like the challenges keep changing and rather than reaching completion just morph into some new obstacle or issue to be dealt with.

Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.