Let’s Grow a Garden – Jazz Sunday

Church 25 South Main Street, Middleboro

with Jeannie Gagné and Stan Strickland Welcome to Jeannie Gagné and Stan Strickland for our annual worship celebration, “Jazz Sunday!” The rhythms of life are a paradox, moving from darkness into light, into darkness, and into light again. We rejoice when we move into the light, such as when spring arrives. We can grow a garden full of bouquets of joy and possibility, nurturing our garden and one another. It adds up to a magnificent symphonic work made of our collective gardening. Join us on Sunday April 2 as we make music together and celebrate spring. x Click here to

Religious Exploration

Church 25 South Main St, Middleboro

This Sunday we will continue to talk about who are our neighbors.  We will make a collage with magazines or with drawings of our neighbors.  We will also create "Good Neighbor Coupons" to be used over the next few weeks.  We will also consider a long term "Good Neighbor" project.  Bring your thinking caps for Sunday!! The RE Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. on April 5.  We will meet in person at the church and will provide a link for those who wish to join virtually.  New members are welcome. 

Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.