Katherine Hayhoe Speaks on Collective Honesty & Complicated Hope

Online. $15 registration fee, scholarships available. Dr. Hayhoe is the author of Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Call for Hope and Healing in a Divided World. She will be joined by panelists Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, Rabbi Laura Bellows and climate activist William Morris. Presented by the BTS Center of Portland Maine - Spiritual Leadership for a Climate-Changed World To register: https://www.tfaforms.com/5123351 Understanding who and how we wish to be in this changing world requires us to support one another as we honestly reckon with the realities of our present moment. We must also embrace a rich and nuanced understanding

Book Discussion, Imani Perry’s South to America

On Zoom. The subtitle is "A Journey Below the Mason Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation." This is the May "reading for understanding" book of the Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation. Isabel Wilkerson calls it "an elegant meditation on the complexities of the American South- and thus of America- by an esteemed daughter of the South and one of the great intellectuals of our time. An inspiration." Free, but you must register at the link below. Donations are welcomed. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-discussion-of-south-to-america-by-imani-perry-tickets-757312310507 For more information: https://www.dcbcenter.org/post/announcing-2024-book-discussion-series-selection-celebrating-black-owned-bookstores

Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.