Week of Events
Intimacy and Interdependence
Intimacy and Interdependence
Rev. Peter Connolly preaching To experience intimacy with another human being is one of the great joys in life. To experience a feeling of independence can make one feel expansive. Today, we'll explore the teachings of the Dalai Lama that allow us to see the key connection between these two experiences. A Chalice Ensemble will be singing.
Religious Exploration
Religious Exploration
The end of the church school year is coming but don’t let that stop you from enjoying our groups, some volunteer opportunities and getting a chance to build your own bear before we wrap up! We have been adding more badges to our bears, including “Grow your Dreams” and “Listen to Life" in RE and in Youth Group. We try to ensure the children are learning about their faith home and look forward to coming back each week to enjoy food, fun and friends. We have a nursery each week for young children and infants as well as a Religious
Buddhist Voices: An Adult RE Experience
Buddhist Voices: An Adult RE Experience
Are you interested in exploring Buddhism and the Buddhist tradition in Unitarian Universalism? Then you should consider joining us for a six-week class exploring that topic, beginning on Sunday, April 14 from 12:30-2 pm. Our text will be Buddhist Voices in Unitarian Universalism, edited by Sam Trumbore and Wayne Arnason. Please see Rev. Connolly to purchase your book; cost is $15/copy. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Avis Clay Parlor.
OWL Meeting
OWL Meeting
Our Whole Lives is for youth ages 12 - 16. We have 3 leaders - Kelly Lownds, Greg Stevens and Katie Melchior - sharing the responsibility and privilege of teaching OWL to our youth. We are wrapping up and have our last sessions today and on May 19 when we will have a closing ceremony together. We meet at 12:30 p.m. in the Avis Clay Parlor.
CUUPS Beltane Ritual
CUUPS Beltane Ritual
CUUPS will celebrate Beltane, the great fire festival that honors the full flowering of Earth in renewal. In earlier times, bonfires would blaze on the hilltops, illuminating the night sky. People would dance the Maypole, and young lovers would celebrate their tryst by jumping the broom.
New Moon Meditation on Zoom
New Moon Meditation on Zoom
This New Moon falls in the sign of Taurus the Bull… the quintessential Earth sign. The Bull had great significance for many ancient cultures… Egyptians worshipped the Apis bulls to the extent that they mummified them and buried them in their own temple in the Serapeum or Saqqara.
Chalice Choir Rehearsal
Chalice Choir Rehearsal
The Chalice Choir is a volunteer group that meets in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30. This choir sings every other Sunday from a wide variety of choral anthems, most set in four parts: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Membership is open but limited. Please contact Susan Hotchkiss for more information.
Order of Service Deadline
Order of Service Deadline
Please submit your Order of Service information to office@uumiddleboro.org by 12:00 noon.
Meditation Group
Meditation Group
A Meditation Group meets every Wednesday in the Parlor from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. See Rev. Peter Connolly.
Finance Committee on Zoom
Finance Committee on Zoom
The Finance Committee is meeting on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. See Bill Howe for information.
Song Circle
Song Circle
We hope you will join us for this fun night of music, sponsored by the Church and open to the public! We start at 6:00 p.m. with a potluck of hearty snacks in the Parish Hall, so bring along a favorite treat to share. A circle of chairs will be set up along with a portable keyboard, and we will provide some percussion instruments.
Peace, Justice & Equality Vigil
Peace, Justice & Equality Vigil
We continue scheduling weekly ½ hour vigils on Saturday mornings from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the church lawn. All are invited to join in. Contact Dody Adkins-Perry with any questions.
Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.