Bespoke Concert with Erik Lindgren, piano; Thomasine Berg, flute; Mark Finklestein, bassoon; Torben Hansen, clarinet
Bespoke Concert with Erik Lindgren, piano; Thomasine Berg, flute; Mark Finklestein, bassoon; Torben Hansen, clarinet
SAVE THE DATE FOR THIS GREAT CONCERT! The Bespoke Consort will perform live at UU Middleboro on Sunday, January 12 at 3 PM. There is no admission at the door, but donations are gratefully accepted. The quartet will present a program of Classical-A-Go-Go! - chamber music-sans-boundaries that includes neo-Baroque escapades, Impressionistic tone poems, quirky Musical Novelties, Tangos, rollicking arrangements of Erik Satie, Raymond Scott, Leroy Anderson, plus original works.