Week of Events
Write Postcards to Potential Voters
Write Postcards to Potential Voters
and April 8, 4:00-6:00 pm
The Social Justice Team invites all members and friends to participate in our Get Out the Vote project. Bring any favorite pens and/or fine-tipped markers. (While we will be following a prescribed script, we’re encouraged to enliven it with color.). See Lois Aldrich or Dody Adkins-Perry.
Persuasion to Power Series: Move Them to Your Side – Intro to Deep Canvassing
Persuasion to Power Series: Move Them to Your Side – Intro to Deep Canvassing
Deep canvassing is a proven, research-based method for organizing conversations that persuade people and create long-lasting change of hearts and minds. It focuses on what is shared first, expressing empathy, understanding underlying emotional needs, responding to what they’re starting with, and then moving from there, asking questions to understand better, etc. Join Indivisible and the Deep Canvass Institute for 101 training on the basics of this conversation method. To register:https://indivisible.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqd-ChqjgvHNOmgE4M1-j9omIzgtMCTl8b#/registration For more information:https://docs.google.com/document/d/13nY_EIDVYqJCHE4EYpB91yeQ8Hyd0zbvEbMXGZCk05A/edit#heading=h.ne054hm4sefi
Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.