Event Series LGBTQ Adult Support Group

LGBTQ Adult Support Group

36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”

Social Justice Team on Zoom

The mission of the Social Justice Team of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Middleborough is to help the congregation take actions that create positive change in people, in our communities and in the world.  Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal theology of engagement.  We covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of all people and to promote respect for the interdependent web of creation of which we are a part.  We draw inspiration and truth from experiencing each other and the world around us.  We witness both the beauty and brokenness of our world, and we choose to do social justice

Event Series LGBTQ Teen Support Group

LGBTQ Teen Support Group

36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”

Event Series LGBTQ Adult Support Group

LGBTQ Adult Support Group

36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”

LGBTQ Senior Lunch with Entertainment

At the Bridgewater Senior Center, 10 Wally Krueger Way Free, but register in advance by calling the Center at 508-697-0929. https://www.bridgewaterma.org/DocumentCenter/View/5629/May-Newsletter-2024?bidId=

Event Series LGBTQ Teen Support Group

LGBTQ Teen Support Group

36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”

Event Series LGBTQ Adult Support Group

LGBTQ Adult Support Group

36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”

Event Series LGBTQ Teen Support Group

LGBTQ Teen Support Group

36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”

Event Series LGBTQ Adult Support Group

LGBTQ Adult Support Group

36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”

Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.