Week of Events
Outdoor Hymn Sing
Outdoor Hymn Sing
The final Summer Service of 2021 will be an outdoor “HymnSongFest” on the Nickerson Street lawn, complete with keyboard, guitar, ukes, and members of the Chalice Choir. Chairs will be set up, both hymnals will be available, and we will have a PA system. If it’s raining, the service will be virtual. Keep your eye on Updates for the venue change if needed.
Just This Sangha
Just This Sangha
Just This Sangha meets virtually (via Zoom) nearly every Friday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 for silent meditation and sharing of our practice experience. From a Buddhist, particularly Zen, perspective, we focus on bringing practice to daily life; exploring letting go of our usual habitual reactivity and opening to our selves and others as we actually are. Not a drop-in group, we do welcome potentially new members to join us for a few sessions to see if the group is a good fit. Contact Tom Tanguay at thisjustthis@gmail.com for more information.
Drive-by Water Communion
Drive-by Water Communion
Bring a small amount of water from some place that means something to you – a home, a destination, a special time, a special person. Park in front of the church between 10:00 and noon, and we’ll gather your donation. Tomorrow we’ll bless the water and pour it over our Memorial Garden.
Peace Vigil
Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.