Week of Events
Thriving During Transition
Thriving During Transition
Presented by Viola Fairweather Soon we will begin our fall services with our new minister, Reverend Beau Rivers. During the next few months, we will be working to bring forth our gifts and the best in one another through interconnectedness and collaboration. In this service, Vi hopes to share some tools rooted in faith's highest values that will support our thriving during this transition. Please bring a pen or pencil to the service.
Teen LGBTQ+ Peer Support and Social Group
Teen LGBTQ+ Peer Support and Social Group
36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to "J"
Adult LGBTQ+ Peer Support and Social Group
Adult LGBTQ+ Peer Support and Social Group
36 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, 2nd floor, 2nd door on the left This group is an opportunity to get to know your peers, support one another, share challenges, celebrate, seek support, play games & be; 978-809-2245, speak or text to “J”
Peaceful Quilters
Lay Ministry on Zoom
Lay Ministry on Zoom
Members of this team are trained to offer lay pastoral counseling. They may also provide meals; visits; phone calls; cards; transportation to medical appointments, the grocery store, church, or social outings; help with yard work; music; or respite/break time for caregivers. Contact: Susan Curtiss
New Moon Meditation on Zoom
New Moon Meditation on Zoom
This month’s New Moon falls in the sign of Virgo and appears just after Mercury comes out of retrograde, with the Sun and Moon opposing Saturn. As we prepare to experience another turn of the Wheel in just three weeks, this New Moon provides us with an opportunity to slow down, to hit the reset button on our lives if necessary, and reassess before we come into balance at the Equinox.
Chalice Choir Rehearsal
Chalice Choir Rehearsal
The Chalice Choir is a volunteer group that meets in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30. This choir sings every other Sunday from a wide variety of choral anthems, most set in four parts: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Membership is open but limited. Please contact Susan Hotchkiss for more information.
Order of Service Deadline
Order of Service Deadline
Please submit your Order of Service information to office@uumiddleboro.org by 12:00 noon.
Meditation Group
Meditation Group
The Meditation Group meets every Wednesday afternoon in the church parlor to practice quiet meditation. It is open to those new to meditation as well as experienced meditators. Contact: Holly Begley or Diane Reed
LGBTQ+ Senior Lunch with Entertainment
LGBTQ+ Senior Lunch with Entertainment
At the Bridgewater Senior Center, 10 Wally Krueger Way Free, but register in advance by calling the Center at 508-697-0929. https://www.bridgewaterma.org/DocumentCenter/View/5629/May-Newsletter-2024?bidId=
Finance Committee on Zoom
Finance Committee on Zoom
The Finance Committee brings all church finance factors together. It consists of the treasurer and assistant treasurer and representatives from investment, fundraising, pledge drive, and budget creation. See Bill Howe for more information.
Peace, Justice & Equality Vigil
Peace, Justice & Equality Vigil
We continue scheduling weekly ½ hour vigils on Saturday mornings from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the church lawn. All are invited to join in. Contact Dody Adkins-Perry with any questions.
Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.