

Rev. Beau Rivers: Getting to Know Our New Minister

We are excited to welcome our new minister, Rev. Beau Rivers. She will lead her first worship service at Ingathering on Sunday, Sept. 8. Here is a profile of her that we have created based on the essays she provided to us during the application and interview process.

Contribute a Page for Our New Minister’s Welcome Book!

You are invited to create a personal page with your photo and brief text for the welcome book for our new minister, Rev. Beau Rivers! She is arriving on August 1 and will lead her first worship service at Ingathering on Sunday, Sept. 8. She brings so many talents and rich experiences; we are excited to meet her!

Kingston church seeks help funding restoration

The UU church in neighboring Kingston sustained extensive damage in the recent arson and vandalism attack. They have launched a 30-day crowd-funding campaign to help defray the costs of repairing and restoring their 1851 meetinghouse. They are using the platform Faithify, which is grounded in UU values and practices. Their goal is $30,000.

Kingston Church Vandalized

Our sister UU church in Kingston, Mass., was vandalized on July 4th in an apparent act of racist and anti-LGBTQ violence. We stand in solidarity with them and urge our members to attend the community service announced below:

UU Middleboro gratefully acknowledges the $11,000 bequest recently received from the estate of Ms. Sylvia Camandona.

Hand Crafter Gathering

Do you enjoy hand crafts such as knitting, crocheting, embroidery, needlepoint, quilting, etc.?  We are resurrecting our hand crafting group.  We gather once per month to work on our projects, offer support, and also make prayer shawls for folks in the congregation in need of comfort.  Come experts and newbies (we can help teach you) and gather for handwork, snacks, and conversation. 

A Note from the Minister

Has it really been two years already?  When I think back on the 3-day drive from Bowling Green, Kentucky, to Middleboro, that certainly seems ages ago.  But when I think back on the first time I stepped into my office, the first time I met Val and Kelly and Susan, that doesn't seem so long ago at all.  I made arrangements to meet Val at the church to pick up my key, but I did not know who she was or what she looked like, so when I heard noises coming from the sanctuary, I went up to introduce myself to a very nice and lively woman.  Only several minutes into the conversation did I realize that I was speaking not with Church Administrator Val Ortelt, but with Music Director Susan Hotchkiss.  And so the potentially awkward process of finding my way began.  Staff and church members ensured that it went as smoothly as possible, though.

Summer Music Musings

Music Sunday on May 19 was a highlight of the church year involving a cast of 25 singers, speakers, and instrumentalists: piano, organ, flutes, hammered dulcimer, guitar, keyboard and xylophone. So many talented people making such splendid music in our lovely Sanctuary! My heartfelt thanks to all who participated, including the congregation who came out in full force.

Pastoral Care Coverage for July

As there will be no minister on staff for the month of July, Rev. Connolly has arranged for coverage for pastoral care emergencies as follows: July 1-7: Rev. Sarah Person: person.revsarah@gmail.com; 508-740-5809. July 8-31: Rev. David Egan: minister@firstparishmedfield.org; cell: 617-620-1149. We are grateful for their willingness to serve!

Summer Religious Exploration

This year we all worked together, even the adolescents, to “Build Bears of Wholeness.” We built teddy bears together and took them out monthly to add badges representing parts of our learning and our values. The badges included “Grow your Dreams,” “Listen to Life,” “Fostering Community” and “Share Your Blessings.” Everyone received bears, everyone received badges and everyone shared ideas and values about what went into being a whole person.

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