Committees, Teams & Groups

Many people are needed to make our church the vibrant place we love. Volunteering for a committee or team is both personally rewarding and important to making our church function. Participating in a group can be personally fulfilling and enhances the group. Meeting times vary; some meet once a month and others on an “as needed” basis. You are invited to contact any committee, team, or group that interests you.

Adult Education

Our church is committed to Lifespan Religious Exploration, helping adults to grow in spiritual practice, live an ethical life, act for justice, and understand different faiths. Contact: Rev. Beau Rivers

Audio Team

If you can hear what is said, sung, or played on Sunday mornings, thank the Audio Team. This dedicated corps of techies gathers sounds from microphones around the sanctuary, mixes it into a harmonious whole, and sends it out to speakers in the room and to the ATEṀ switcher (see Stream Team) to be sent along with video to YouTube. Contact: Stephen Larrett

Book Discussion Group

The Book Discussion Group has been meeting since May 2018. They meet on the third Monday afternoon of every month. Contact: Linda Thompson

Building & Grounds Team

This team ensures a warm, welcoming, and safe place for worship and fellowship. Lend your practical skills to keep our building and landscaping attractive, in good repair, and accessible. Contact: Alan Melchior

Coffee Hour

Feed the body as well as the spirit with good food and good conversation. Hosts serve coffee, juice, and treats after a service on Sunday morning. Contact: Andrea Priest

Communications Team

This team’s mission is to promote effective communication of UU Middleboro’s values, activities, and traditions within the congregation and the surrounding community in order to foster our church’s overall mission. Contact: Bet Giddings

CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans)

This is an affinity group of church members and non-members who meet regularly to celebrate the God and Goddess and the natural cycle of life. We are open to the public and offer education, experience, and practice of Earth-centered, nature-based, and general pagan beliefs. Contact: Natalie Johnson

Elsie Gaudette Award

In 1991, the church named its outstanding volunteer service award the Elsie Gaudette Award to honor the person who most exemplifies the spirit and dedication of Elsie Gaudette, an extraordinary former member of the congregation. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the committee and are accepted at any time. They must be signed and include the nominee’s qualifications and history of service. All letters are the property of the committee and will be saved for future awards. Contact: Linda Thompson

Finance Team

The finance team brings all church finance actors together.  It consists of the treasurer and assistant treasurer, and representatives from investment, fundraising, pledge drive, and budget creation. Contact: Bill Howe


Our purpose is to create an atmosphere of sociability and abundance during fellowship hour and other receptions and events. Contact: Andrea Priest

Lay Pastoral & Parish Care

Members of this team are trained to offer lay pastoral counseling. They may also provide meals; visits; phone calls; cards; transportation to medical appointments, the grocery store, church, or social outings; help with yard work; music; or respite/break time for caregivers. Contact: Susan Curtiss

Meditation Group

The Meditation Group meets every Wednesday afternoon in the church parlor to practice quiet meditation. It is open to those new to meditation as well as experienced meditators. Contact: Holly Begley or Diane Reed

Membership Development

This team coordinates our growth, outreach, and deepening of our involvement in congregational life and Unitarian Universalism. Contact: Dorine Levasseur

Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden Team oversees the planning and care of the Memorial Garden, a peaceful place for honoring the memory of loved ones who have passed on. Contact: Patty Simon

Music Committee

The role of the Music Committee is to support and enhance the music program, bring fresh ideas, help set goals, and monitor progress. Contact: Bet Giddings

New Moon & Full Moon Meditations

Natalie offers two virtual meditations each month. All are welcome. Contact: Natalie Johnson

Program Planning

This team coordinates the scheduling of church events (fundraisers, education, social gatherings, cultural offerings) over the course of the year and maintains the master events calendar. Contact: Andrea Priest

Religious Exploration Committee

This committee helps the Director of Religious Exploration to shape programs for all ages by engaging in planning, oversight, budgeting, and recruitment of volunteers and advisors. Contact: Christine Hoyle

Social Justice Team

Congregationally based social justice activism answers the question, “What does the world need?” Social justice ministry answers the question, “What makes us come alive?” This team helps us educate, activate, and focus our efforts. Contact: Lois Aldrich, Dody Adkins-Perry, or Bill Howe

Stewardship Committee

This committee assesses the financial status of the church and advises the Parish Committee and the congregation on actions to take. It also oversees the annual budget process and pledge drive. Contact: Open

Stream Team

The Stream Team makes it possible for people to participate in worship remotely via YouTube. Training is available for those who would like to learn to operate the ATEM video switcher—a surprisingly simple way to show video from two cameras and text from a PowerPoint slide show. Experienced operators can be trained as Tech Setup wizards, who come to church early to make sure everything is in order. Contact: Dan Hotchkiss

Welcoming Team

Be the first friendly face people see when they walk through our doors. This is a great opportunity for newcomers to get to know people. It is a fun way to volunteer. Ushers and greeters welcome people, hand out orders of service and special flyers, and escort people to available seats. They offer headsets when asked. Hosts may take visitors on a tour and answer basic questions about our Church. Contact: Dorine Levasseur

Worship Team

This team assists the minister with providing quality Sunday worship services throughout the year. They oversee the details of Sunday morning services, participate in worship, arrange for guest preachers and assist them, seek feedback from congregants on worship, and help the minister with evaluation. They also plan the summer services. Contact: Viola Fairweather and Diane Reed