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Full Moon Meditation on Zoom

with Natalie Johnson

November 27, 2023 @ 6:00 pm 6:45 pm


November’s Full Moon falls in the sign of Gemini, the sign of communication and connection with others. 

Many of us probably recently celebrated Thanksgiving Day with a feast among family and friends. Others perhaps honored that day in a different way by attending the National Day of Mourning in Plimoth. Still others simply enjoyed an extra day off, celebrating with food, sports and shopping. The first two ways spotlight the importance of discernment and the power of words to heal or harm. The story of the First Thanksgiving that most of us were taught in school contained very little truth.  It was written by those who conquered a people who lived here first and, as we know, it is the victors who write history. If you marked the day in the second way, you know this and chose to hear firsthand a very different narrative of both history and present day wrongs still being committed on these lands. Even if you gathered with family, you might still have had difficulty with those who hold a very different world view and political leanings than yourself.  Communication can be fraught even among friends and relatives, and unpleasant surprises can be difficult to navigate.

The safest course perhaps is to ground oneself in gratitude. Being mindful of and grateful for all that we have is the best way to come into coherence with others. This year, in addition to the bounty most of us enjoy, we can also be grateful for the gift of peace, a roof over our heads, being in our own country of origin, feeling safe from attack, able to look to the future with hope, and so many things we often take for granted. On this night of the Full Moon, please join us as we allow the moonbeams to shine their brilliant light on our many blessings and share our gratitude with one another.  All are welcome.     


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