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Letter Writing Campaign
September 19, 2022 @ 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Opportunities to Help Get Out the Vote
Are you concerned about the health of our democracy? Would you like to be able to do something about it? Social Justice is joining other UU churches in sponsoring a letter-writing campaign to get out the vote. We feel that it is imperative that everyone who would like to vote has the opportunity to do so. It is also important that people who feel their vote may not matter understand that it does. In pursuit of these ends, we are sponsoring six letter writing sessions at the church. The dates and times are as follows:
Monday mornings at 10:00 a.m. September 19 and October 3
Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. September 26 and October 24
Saturday mornings at 10:30 a.m. September 24 and October 15
We will provide letters to which you add a small personal note as to why you vote. We will also provide envelopes and stamps.
Think you can’t attend but would still like to help? There are other ways to participate. One is to buy a book of stamps and put it in the collection plate on any Sunday between now and October 23. Another is to take the letters home, write them at your own convenience, and return them to us. We will be sending all the letters at one time at the end of October.
If you have questions and would like more information, please contact either Deanne Bonnar or Dody Adkins-Perry or any member of the Social Justice Team. You can also send an email to sjteam@uumiddleboro.org. We hope to see you at one or all of the sessions. Together we can make a difference.
Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.