Arrows pointing different directions


The church’s Mission Statement is 20 years old and in need of revision, and the PC invites participation from everyone in the congregation. A Mission Statement defines the church’s purpose and calling, captures those things that we believe in most strongly, and serves to guide all our actions and the direction of our projects.

We are urging all members of UU Middleboro to give us their thoughts about what the Mission Statement should contain. The updated Mission Statement will be part of the material we will provide to potential candidates during our ministerial search process. Because this material must be sent to the UUA by December 1, our goal is to complete the drafting process (including approval by the full congregation) by November 15.

In doing this, it will be helpful to consider the following questions:

  • What values matter most to our congregation?
  • Why does our church exist (our purpose)?
  • Whom do we serve? How do we serve?
  • How are we unique as a church?
  • What value do we bring to our community?
  • What are our past projects/causes?
  • What problems do we solve?

Ideally the Mission Statement should be succinct (we’re aiming for 25 words or less), should be easy to remember, and should reflect the values of the church.

Click here to see examples of mission statements from other UU congregations.

A subcommittee of the PC has been created to guide the process of drafting the new Mission Statement. Subcommittee members are Jim Bonnar, Vi Fairweather, Lois Aldrich, and Jeff Giddings.

Please send your comments and suggestions for our church’s Mission Statement by October 22 to Jeff Giddings ( or Jim Bonnar ( If there is enough interest we will schedule one or more small group meetings for deeper discussion. Let us know soon if you would like to participate in such a meeting. After receiving your comments the subcommittee will look for common themes and aggregate them into a draft Mission Statement (perhaps several alternative drafts). These drafts will be posted in this space for further comment. The congregation will be asked to vote on a final proposed draft at the next congregational meeting.