FUUSM’s 2023 Annual Meeting was held in the Church Sanctuary on June 16, 2023.  Twenty-four members attended the meeting.

The Congregation was notified of the meeting through FUUSM’s UU Updates and the Church’s website.  Notice included a copy of the Warrant, the Church’s Annual Reports for 2022-23, the Finance Report for 2022-23, and the proposed budget for the 2023-2024 Church year.

President Jim Bonnar called the meeting to order at 7:11 PM and provided a brief summary of the Annual Report.   The Congregation then voted on the following Articles:

Article I:     To accept the minutes from last year’s Annual Meeting.

Motion to approve Article I made, seconded and passed.

Article II:    To receive reports of the Society for the past year.

Bob Waterman highlighted the Congregation’s generosity, as receipts for Cash in the Plate for the Church year totaled $8,787.

Motion to approve Article II made, seconded and passed.

Article III:   To recognize the gifts of time and talent given by members who are concluding roles in the Society.

Discussion:   The Church expresses its deep appreciation and gratitude to the following individuals for their longtime service to the Church:

– Marc MacQueen, who served on the Parish Committee for the past 30 years as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.

– Linda Thompson, who served on the Music Committee for 33 years.

– John Mullen, who served as Chair of the Music Committee.

– Rick and Cindy Benard, who have supported the Church for many years and who have recently donated and had installed 5 windows for the church.

Article IV:   To elect officers and members of the Parish Committee for the coming Church year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024):  Vice-President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, At-Large (two positions).

Discussion:  Nominations for the 2023-2024 Church year are:

– Bob Waterman, Vice President

– Jeff Giddings, Assistant Treasurer

– Nicole Sykes, At Large (to serve a 2nd term)

– Stephen Larrett, At Large

The Parish Committee will continue its search for Treasurer.  Please contact Jim or Bob if you know anyone who may be interested.

Motion to approve Article IV made, seconded, and passed.

Article V:   To elect delegates (2) to the 2023-2024 General Assembly (GA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association, or authorize the Parish Committee to appoint these delegates.

Discussion:  The Church is seeking two delegates to participate in the 2023-24 GA, which takes place June 21-25 in Pittsburg, PA in person or online.  The Church covers the cost for delegates.  The Minister is an automatic delegate, and Rev. Peter will be attending.  Delegates must commit to attend all business sessions at GA and to participate in planning strategies for informing the congregation of actions and outcomes of the GA.   Decisions will be made at the GA as to what the focus points of UU will be over the next few years. 

A motion was made to authorize the PC to appoint delegates for 2023-24 GA, seconded, and passed.

Article VI:   To adopt a budget for the coming fiscal year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024).

  • Marc MacQueen will be leaving his post as Assistant Treasurer at the end of June.  He asked that members contact him directly if they have any questions as to where they stand regarding their pledges.
  • Jim Bonnar and Bob Waterman provided highlights of the 2023-24 proposed budget:
  • The budget is balanced, meaning there is no deficit projected.  One of the reasons for this is that staff salaries are level-funded in the budget.  This is a different approach from previous years and is focused on “living within our means.”  As much as we believe in continuing to move toward meeting the UUA standards for fair compensation for staff, we are also seeing challenges to our revenues.  Although the number of pledges has increased for 2023-24, the total amount pledged is less than the amount budgeted.   We also anticipate continued uncertainty in the investment market and a need to have sufficient resources to attract a new minister.  This budget is an attempt to reflect the realities of who we are and what we have to work with.
    • Congregation members expressed concern with this new approach and would like to see some way to reward staff for all their work and dedication to the Church.  Congregation members asked how this approach would address other pressing needs the Church may have.
    • The PC recommended that we use the surplus from this budget year to give staff a cost-of-living bonus.  There was considerable discussion concerning the amount of bonus to give and whether other priorities should be considered as well.  The PC will decide how the FY 2022/23 surplus will be allocated. 
    • Jim Bonnar suggested congregation concerns be addressed in Article VIII and asked congregation to vote on Article VI.  After some discussion, the congregation agreed to vote on Article VI.

Motion to approve Article VI made, seconded, and passed.

Article VII:  To authorize the Parish Committee or designee to withdraw from investment funds and/or borrow funds in order to manage cash flow and/or cover unanticipated expenses during the coming fiscal year.

Motion to approve Article VII made, seconded, and passed.

Article VIII:  To address any other actions necessary for the business of the Society.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:30 p.m. was made, seconded and passed.

Submitted by Lois Aldrich, Parish Clerk