Present:     Bob Waterman, Lois Aldrich, Marc MacQueen, Jim Bonnar, Rev. Peter Connolly

Guests:      Kelly Lownds, Susie Sherman, Susan Hotchkiss

Meeting called to order by Jim Bonnar at 6:45 p.m.

PC Minutes from the March 15, 2023, Parish Committee meeting were approved by the PC.

Sustainable Middleboro:  The PC recently received a written request from Alan Melchior on behalf of Sustainable Middleboro to continue our partnership with Sustainable Middleboro as fiscal agent into the next grant year.  The current Empower grant issued by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center runs through March 2024.   Sustainable Middleboro’s new grant proposal will build on the existing grant and will expand its current activities, including funding a half-time “Weatherization Navigator” to conduct additional outreach activities and provide direct support to Middleboro residents working to make their homes more energy efficient.   Sustainable Middleboro plans to request $110,000 for a 3-year period to fund this effort.  The proposal will include approximately $9,900 in administrative costs which could be used to offset any additional costs to the church for its role as fiscal agent.  PC members unanimously agreed to approve this request.

Music Committee:  Susan Hotchkiss submitted her report to the PC, which was reviewed and approved.  The Music Committee is planning a concert in the fall in honor of Avis Clay, whose family recently made a substantial donation to the Church to support its music program.  The concert will be free, but donations will be accepted.  Money from the Avis Clay Fund can be used to support this effort, if needed.  Date of concert TBD.

Treasurer’s Report:  Bob Waterman distributed the finance report to the PC.  So far, the church continues to have a surplus, although some expenses have not yet been incurred (UUA annual contribution, professional expenses).  We have not yet withdrawn the 4% from investments.  The Church has received $130,000 in pledges as of this date and have budgeted for $160,000.

Minister’s Report:  A report from Rev. Peter Connolly was received by the PC and approved.

RE Report:  Kelly Lownds reported that two new families have been participating in RE.  One has decided to join.  RE is close to completing its library project (inventory of all books).  Youth Group met once this month and will be meeting the 1st and 3rd week in May.  RE is working with other churches on the OWL program (7th – 9th grades).  An LGBTQ meeting is scheduled for April 26.  Christine Hoyle will facilitate.  The Youth Service is scheduled for June 11.

Social Justice:  Lois Aldrich has been working with Val and BCCR to develop the church’s ad for BCCR’s Juneteenth program book.  FUUSM plans to have a table at the Juneteenth celebration, which is scheduled for June 17 at the Bridgewater Middle School.  Lois will be recruiting volunteers to assist at the Juneteenth celebration.

Bob and Lois discussed the Social Justice Team’s most recent proposed project, which is to partner with the South Shore Resource and Advocacy Center (SSRAC) to construct an exhibit on the church’s front lawn, the goal of which is to spread community awareness around the impact of domestic violence.  There have been similar exhibits across the country.  Called “Silent Witness,” the exhibits typically consist of constructed silhouettes representing victims of domestic violence, both women and children. SSRAC recently spoke at our church service and provided a description of their organization and the critical services they provide to victims of domestic violence.  The team is proposing that this event take place in conjunction with the Social Justice Team’s summer service on July 16. The PC asked that the Social Justice Team write up a proposal that specifically describes what they are planning to do and who can be contacted with any feedback/concerns.  The PC will then review and take the proposal under consideration and present it to the congregation through UU Updates for any feedback/concerns.   

The Social Justice Team recommends The Trevor Project for the Cash in the Plate for May.  

Building and Grounds:  Susie Sherman presented a list of priority projects for Building and Grounds, which was reviewed and discussed. The PC agreed to: 

  • fund repair of falling plaster above the piano section in the Sanctuary as well as walls of closet (estimate received of $1,750);   
  • fund removal of kitchen drawers to the left of refrigerator to repair hole in wall that allows mice direct access to the kitchen and to install tile on the floor (estimate received of $525).  Also, it was recommended that the church purchase rolling racks to store plastic bins to replace drawers. A PC member offered to purchase the rolling racks.
  • review other recommendations made by Building and Grounds upon receipt of estimates. These include
    • replace furnace room door to the outside
    • replace large doors at top of main entrance to church, which are currently very drafty
    • paint and weather-seal Nickerson Ave. door (or replace)
    • replace fluorescent units with LEDs
    • replace 5 more sashed windows in basement that currently cannot be opened.
    • replace the weatherstripping of the Parish Hall accessibility door 

Susie will obtain estimates for the above recommendations.  Once estimates are received, the PC will review and make final determination as to what can be funded (or not).

Pledge Drive:  Marc MacQueen provided an update on the Pledge Drive for the coming year.   $156,000 has been pledged so far.  Awaiting word on possibly four more pledges.  Total may reach $157,500 for the coming year.  This is approximately $12,000 short of our budgeted goal.  Marc reminded the PC that we have lost several pledges this year, which accounts for $8,000 that we will not have.  It is projected that we will have a deficit next year, and we will need to decide how to address.   

It was decided that Gil Cote and Jim Bonnar will make an announcement on the results of the Pledge Drive at the April 30 service.  A draft budget is to be completed in May.  The Annual meeting in June will review the budget and address challenges. 

Fundraising:  Bob Waterman informed the PC that the Spring online Auction launched, raising $3,000 so far; Mother’s Day breakfast is planned for May 13; Yard Sale is scheduled for April 29; possible Road Rally in the fall.

The PC approved Katie Allen’s offer to coordinate another craft fair in November this year.   Thank you, Katie!

Little Library:  Andrea Priest informed Jim Bonnar that the Rotary Club is moving forward on working with FUUSM to sponsor a Little Library on the corner of Nickerson Ave. and South Main Street.  Date TBD.

Parlor Task Force:  Jim Bonnar forwarded an email to the PC describing the Task Force’s progress in renovating the Parlor. The Task Force is in the process of obtaining estimates on proposed work.  The overall goal is to have a room that can be used flexibly for meetings and presentations, as a small chapel, and as a quiet contemplative space.

Next meeting:  May 17, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned 8:40 p.m.

Submitted by Lois Aldrich, Parish Clerk