Present:  Jim Bonnar, Bob Waterman, Marc MacQueen, Nicole Sykes, Rev. Peter Connolly, 

Guest:     Kelly Lownds

Minutes from last meeting – accepted.


Minister – PC reviewed written report; Rev. Peter was unable to attend the last interim ministry training.

Music – PC reviewed written report.

Religious Exploration – PC reviewed written report.

Finance – PC reviewed written summary.

Building & Grounds – Five windows downstairs are being replaced this week; decision on other five pending; we are waiting for estimates and more info on other priority projects; waiting for update on security system; Marc fixed loose board on back steps; work on ceiling over piano will be done in the summer.

Social Justice – Planning underway for domestic violence service and display in July; suggestion that a meeting be held for the Congregation to learn more and ask questions; will be referred to the Social Justice Team.  Middleboro PrideFest scheduled for 6/24.

Discussed an incident involving an individual who confronted a member of the Congregation about the rainbow flag.  The individual believed an element of the flag represented pedophilia.  Discussed educating the Congregation on the symbolic meaning of the elements of the flag. Also, the Social Justice Team is organizing a De-escalation Training session to assist with such incidents.

Budget – Discussed the results of the Pledge Drive and the implications for the next year’s budget.  Pledges for next year were about $13,000 short of goal.  Decisions will need to be made about achieving a balanced budget.  PC will further discuss and will prepare a draft budget to present to the Congregation in advance of the Annual Meeting.

Communications/Public Relations/Social Media organizing and planning.  Rev. Peter has met with several people and will be convening a team to work on strategies and tasks.

Annual Meeting date set for June 16, in person in the Sanctuary.

Submitted by Lois Aldrich, Parish Clerk