Present:      Bob Waterman, Lois Aldrich, Jim Bonnar, Nicole Sykes

Guest:         Jeff Giddings

Meeting called to order by Jim Bonnar at 6:36 p.m.

Reports:  The following reports were submitted and accepted by the PC:

  • Music Committee Report submitted to Bob Waterman by Bet Giddings.  Bob will forward to the rest of the PC.
  • RE report submitted by Kelly Lownds.
  • Social Justice Report submitted by Lois Aldrich.
  • Treasurer’s Report was submitted by Bob Waterman as  part of FUUSM’s Annual Meeting held on June 16.  

Suggestion to have central repository for all reports forwarded to the PC by Committee staff and how to make reports available to members if requested.    Follow up with Val Ortelt when she returns from vacation.

PC Members:  Marc MacQueen’s term as Assistant Treasurer ends at the end of this month, and he has decided to conclude his service on the PC.  New PC members as of July, 2023, will be Jeff Giddings (Treasurer), and Stephen Larrett (At Large).  For the short-term, Jeff will focus on Assistant Treasurer duties while the PC continues to search for a candidate for the Treasurer position.  Bob Waterman has graciously agreed to continue to support the Treasurer duties while the PC continues its search.  If anyone is interested, please contact Bob or Jim.

Annual Meeting:   FUUSM’s Annual Meeting was held on June 16, 2023, to discuss and vote on Articles I-VIII as described in the Warrant that was distributed in the UU Updates on June 4, 2023.  Discussions centered around the proposed balanced budget for 23-24, this year’s budget surplus, and how surplus funds should be spent.  Topics included fair compensation for staff; options for possible one-time bonuses;  building accessibility;  and overall physical needs of the building.   Jim Bonnar stated that Deanne Bonnar, who is very  knowledgeable in accessibility rules/regulations,  is interested in working with Building and Grounds on developing accessibility standards for FUUSM.

The PC will decide on how to spend the surplus in July when we have the June 30 budget report and before we close the books on FY 22/23.  Any monies received after books close will be recorded in the 23-24 budget.

PC Retreat:  The PC agreed to meet in August to welcome new members,  review priorities,  and revisit the Vision Statement.  Discussion as to whether or not our current Mission Statement should also be revised.  It was agreed that the Mission Statement should be revised but question as to who would take the lead on coordinating a task force to do so.  Bob will email the PC with several options for meeting dates in August.

Next PC Meeting (check in):  July 19, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m.  to discuss final budget decisions. Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.

Submitted by Lois Aldrich, Parish Clerk