February 16, 2022

Present:   Bob Waterman, Rev. Sarah Person, Lois Aldrich, Jim Bonnar, Marc MacQueen, Katie Allen,

                  Nicole Sykes

Guests:     Gil Cote, Nancy Backus

Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2022:   Approved as written.

Minister’s Report:   

– Rev. Sarah has been receiving feedback from the congregation on her retirement, which has been sad but supportive.  Rev. Sarah has emailed a guidebook for ministry transition to the PC and would like to discuss healthy leave-taking as we move forward with the transition.   

– Rev. Sarah reported that she has been meeting with the Pastoral Care Team on Tuesday mornings and has been clarifying roles and responsibilities for the team, including during the transition period.  The team has also been working on a training manual.  High praise and gratitude were extended to the Pastoral Care Team and especially to Mal Marvill.  A Pastoral Care survey was submitted after input from the PC.  Rev. Sarah suggests that Pastoral Care be considered a top priority during the transition process.

-The Tech Team has purchased the needed new equipment at a cost of $1900.  It is expected that the remainder of the funds raised will pay the electrician for installation of the new equipment.  

Treasurer’s Report:  Marc MacQueen reported that this has been a good pledge month but that we are behind in pledges overall.  Marc will send out pledge updates to pledgers.  Marc has moved $2600 to the Church’s Discretionary Fund.  Donations for Cash in the Plate have been extremely low, possibly due to the fact that we have not been able to meet in person.  

Marc has notified the PC that he will be resigning as Treasurer at the end of this Church year (June 30, 2022).  The PC extends their thanks to Marc for his many years of hard work, dedication, and amazing contributions to the Church!!  

Music Committee:  Susan Hotchkiss submitted a report to the PC.  She continues to recover from knee surgery but has recently been able to return to Church.  Susan expressed her appreciation for all those who volunteered to cover in her absence. 

RE:  Rev. Sarah reported that RE has had excellent participation for the Coming of Age program and for parent groups.  RE had a clothing drive for children this past weekend, and many donations were received.

Social Justice Team:  Jim Bonnar reported that the SJ Team will be working on a proposal for our Church to incorporate the 8th principle.  Lauren Haugh is due to become a new parent soon and will be taking a leave of absence in her role as SJ Team Chair.  Other team members plan to fill in for her.  Sandy Smiley informed the PC that she is resigning her role as representative at the MAAC meetings.  Rev. Sarah will provide the PC a list of responsibilities for the minister and for the Church representative, which will help in the recruitment of a new MAAC representative.  Term is generally for one year.

Building and Grounds:  Water heater has been replaced.  Railings replaced in January. 

Fundraising:  Marc reported that the Valentine’s Day fundraiser lasagna dinner raised $700.  Other fundraisers being considered:  Road Rally (John Mullen) and Spring Auction (in-person ?!).  Bob Waterman plans to assemble the brainstorming group to begin planning for other spring fundraisers.

Worship Team:  Bob suggested we re-activate the Worship Team, given the upcoming transition process.  Rev. Sarah plans to coordinate summer services before her retirement.  

(continued on the next page)

Pledge Drive:  Gil Cote informed the PC that 8 people have volunteered to be Stewards, and assignments have been made.  Marc reminded the PC that Stewards should make their own pledges before contacting pledgers. The Pledge Team is currently waiting on materials for packets, including the brochure, the President’s letter, and financial information.  A Zoom meeting to touch base with the Stewards is planned for February 26 to respond to any questions/concerns from Stewards.  Stewards will need packets by then.   Katie Allen said she plans to draft the brochure on Friday (2/18) and circulate it to the PC for comment.  Jim has written the President’s letter and will forward it to Rev. Sarah to give to Val to include in packets.   Rev. Sarah said she will say a few words about the Pledge Drive at Sunday service, with references to Listening Circles.  Jim will also speak, and Marc will provide a testimonial, as well as inform congregation of his resignation as Treasurer. 

Gil will speak about the Pledge Drive process (what to expect) at the service on February 27. 

The goal for the Pledge Drive was clarified and is $190,000.

Reopening:  Jim reported that COVID case numbers have significantly dropped.  The PC agreed on the goal of a reopening date of March 6, with maximum of 12 “units” in attendance (plus Choir and Tech Team).  The PC can decide to increase the number of units in time if all goes well.  A system will need to be put in place that will: register those interested in attending in person; verify vaccination; require masks; allow for socially distanced seating; allow persons attending to sign in, etc.  Congregants will be able to begin calling the church on Sunday, February 27, after 3:00 to register to attend the March 6 service.  Bob will talk with Val about the process to register those interested in attending in-person services.

Next PC Check-In:  Wednesday, February 23, at 7:00 p.m. to finalize reopening plan.

Next PC monthly meeting:  Wednesday, March 16, at 6:30 p.m.