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Religious Exploration

RE Committee
We will meet Tuesday evening, November 1, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parlor.  Our meeting will be in person, and there will be a link for those that need to join virtually.  We are discussing bringing back the sale of Equal Exchange, as the children used to sell it during Coffee Hour once a month.  

RE Children’s Classes
Our theme this year is “Exploring Beyond Our Walls,” and we are using the moral tales curriculum to support our exploration.  We have done a nature walk (we found the cutest pumpkin in the compost out back) and looked for bugs.  We are hoping to venture further to other churches, synagogues, temples and meeting houses so we can experience different religious opportunities.

We have consistently had 3 children since the beginning of the church year.  We are learning the principles and memorizing them (their idea) and still opening class with some “show and tell” sharing of toys and games and now ending class with counting to 30 in Spanish.  

Babysitting Is Back
Niko Pucillo-Dunphy has been offering nursery care.  Niko will be present every week, and we are hoping to get some volunteers to back them up if there are children who need childcare. In September, Mia Stevens and Niko organized the closet; and Niko is currently creating a library catalog for our  children’s books. 

Youth Group
Our first youth group met on October 16 from 5:00 to 7:00.  We are working to find a time that works for most of our youth as we are a small group of 5 youth, and we enjoy it most when we can all be together.  Barbara Bancroft joined me, and we will be working on an interfaith curriculum.  We are reaching out to a local church to try to engage another youth group in doing a joint activity for either a church service or another joint venture. Our next scheduled meeting is November 13 from 5:00 to 7:00.  We will keep people updated with any changes. 

LGBTQ+ Youth Support Group/GSA 
 We had a good level of interest in a potential support group for youth and parents and allies.  Christine Hoyle and I are working on a time and date to advertise to the interested parties – some from inside and some from outside church.

Volunteers and Giving Back
I have had a spate of donations of books and magazines (thank you Karen Melchior, Connie Komack, and John Mullen) that can be used for stories for Message for all Ages and for our RE classes.   We had Valerie Fontaine tell the story during Danielle Di Bona’s service, and we have some volunteers to help downstairs in RE – Barbara Bancroft, Chris Dargelis and Christine Hoyle.

Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration