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Religious Exploration in April

RE Children
In April as we Explore Beyond our Walls we will present a historical Islamic tale, a story about parachuting cats in Borneo, and a Native American folktale.  These will teach us about generosity, caring for the Earth, and empathy.  We are hoping to start a special project for the end-of-the-year “gifts of thanks” that will relate to our Gems of Goodness and lessons from Moral Tales.

Youth Group
The youth continue to meet two times per month on the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings.  We are starting an ethics curriculum to help us think about right and wrong and the shades in between.  We hope to join in some spring activities that will bring us into contact with a variety of people and ideas that will support our learning.  We are planning to participate in Pride Fest and in a social action project.

LGBTQIA and Allies meeting, Parents and Youth
We will be meeting on Wednesday April 26, from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.  In June 2022, we participated in Middleboro’s first Pride Fest and offered the idea for the church to host an LGBTQIA support group for youth and parents.  This meeting will get together all LGBTQIA and allies to discuss what we are looking for in a group.  We will discuss days, times, group structure, and hopes.  Please join us for the conversation.  Light snacks and refreshments will be offered.

Parents Coffee Hour
We are bringing back Parents Coffee Hour on Sunday, April 16, at 11:45 a.m. We will meet in person in the Parish Hall and will provide a link for those who wish to join virtually so we can share our parenting successes and concerns.  The link will be sent out to UU Updates subscribers.

Library Project
Niko Pucillo-Dunphy is working on organizing our bookshelves into a searchable catalog of books. This is an ongoing project.  They will volunteer with Sebastian Glaspey once the project is complete to organize the shelves for all of us to use.

RE Committee
We will meet at 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month.  This month, our meeting will be on April 5.  We will meet in person at the church and will provide a link for those who wish to join virtually.  New members are welcome.  The link will be sent out to UU Updates subscribers.

Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration