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Religious Exploration in December

Religious Exploration in January

RE Committee
We met together in person with Reverend Peter Connolly and multiple RE parents on 12/7/2022.  The next meeting in January will be virtual.  Invitations will go out in the UU Updates and via email.  

RE Children’s Classes
This year RE is Exploring Beyond Our Walls using the moral tales curriculum.  The children have collected many marbles/glass gems for their gemstones of goodness.  The children continue to share stories of their efforts to follow their moral compass.   Ed Priest joined us on 12/18 to sing holiday songs and share his experiences. 

Youth Group
In December youth group met after the holiday party on 12/11 and will meet again on January 2 in the afternoon to share favorite holiday foods and movies.  Next month we are meeting on the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 5:00 to 7:00.  This group has children from 6th through 12th grade.  

LGBTQ+ Youth Support Group
We had a good level of interest in a potential support group for youth and parents and allies.  Christine Hoyle and I are working on a time and date for January to advertise to the interested parties – some from inside and some from outside church.

The Holiday Party was held on 12/11 at 12pm.  We decorated the holiday tree, created additional holiday ornaments and decorated gingerbread houses.  There was pizza at 1pm for the children.  

Nursery care has been available during church.  We have Niko Pucillo-Dunphy each week in the nursery, and they are supported by the DRE as well as adult volunteers if children are present.  We have not had any new children in the nursery thus far.  

Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration