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Religious Exploration in March

RE Children’s Classes
Last month we continued to “Explore Beyond Our Walls” with a Scottish Folktale and with a story with a Brazilian author based in Brazil.  We learned about forgiveness and about putting ourselves in another’s shoes.  Next month we will share stories about welcoming one and all and seeing others with awe with one story being from an Israeli author from the Middle East and another story being from a Catholic author in America.  The Gems of Goodness have included stopping a bully on the playground, taking coloring items to the hospital for a friend and making Valentines for our families.  

Youth Group
The group met on the 2nd and the 4th Sunday evenings of the month and shared pizza and fellowship.  We are working towards an interfaith activity, and we brainstormed service projects and thought about where we fit in our community.  We will meet again this month coming on the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Food and games will be shared as part of the evening.

RE Committee
Please let Kelly Lownds or Christine Hoyle know if you are interested in joining the RE Committee for planning and conversation. 

Parent Coffee Hour
We will be bringing our Coffee Hour back in April.  More information to come.

Library Project
Niko Pucillo-Dunphy is working on creating a library of our books in the nursery area.  We are up to approximately 200 books that they have cataloged, and they continue to work each week when there are no children to sit with in the nursery.

Fun Friday
On one of the coldest nights of the year, we had four adults and two children brave the elements to make Valentine crafts and chocolate covered pretzels.  We shared food and fun and had one of our highlight gems of goodness when Eamon shared a beautiful moment with Andrea Priest. 

The LGBTQ group for adults and children is slated to start on 3/17/2023 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.  Details and advertising to follow.

Kelly Lownds,Director of Religious Exploration