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Religious Exploration

Welcome Back Everyone!  Sunday School is back in person this year!!  Church starts at 10:30, and we will be meeting during the church service. We head downstairs after the Message for All Ages around10:45. We will have registration on 9/11/2022, and our first class will be on 9/18/2022.  Our older youth will meet on Sunday evenings every other week.  You can register at any time at through this link

Please consider volunteering to teach downstairs for a section of our program.  We also need volunteers to help with plays and skits during the year as well as readers for our Message for All Ages during the service.  Please contact if you are interested.

Are you looking for a safe space to bring your children on Sunday mornings where they can grow socially, emotionally and spiritually?  Please consider joining us on a Sunday morning.  Enrollment is available at any time during the school year.  Please join us in person or look for the registration link coming soon.

This year we are Exploring Beyond Our Walls.  Every day our children are often faced with difficult decisions and situations.  We will use moral tales and lessons to provide children with the spiritual and ethical tools they will need to make choices and take actions reflective of their Unitarian Universalist beliefs and values.  Our youth will explore various types of worship as well and take some “field trips” to other religious services in the area.

All RE youth are invited to get together on Monday, September 5, at 1pm.  An invitation will be coming out soon with the address.   We will have some pizza, some swimming and some fun to celebrate being together again!

Please consider volunteering to teach downstairs for a section of our program.  We also need volunteers to help with plays and skits during the year as well as readers for our Message for All Ages during the service.  Please contact if you are interested.

Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration