by Kelly Lownds


We have been discussing magic as a pagan spiritual practice that combines energy, focus, and intention to effect positive change. We would like to involve the congregation in spreading magic in our local community by practicing random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty by proclaiming our own Magic Month in March.  These ideas may help you choose an action for your family to do:

  • Leave flowers on someone’s doorstep.
  • Send thank-you cards to local librarians, firefighters, or teachers.
  • Thank and compliment a grocery clerk or restaurant server.
  • Take up pottery and make gifts for others.
  • Write a poem and give it away.
  • Clean up a neighborhood park.
  • Visit residents in a nursing facility.
  • Give something of yours away, perhaps even to a stranger.
  • Buy grocery gift cards and instruct the cashier to give them to the next five customers.

We hope you and your family will be creative, have fun, and most importantly, help us create magic in our community.

Sunday School Classes: An Amazing Journey, On the Road Again 

We are on a pilgrimage of faith, exploring how Unitarian Universalism translates into life choices and everyday action. Emmet, Eamon and Sebastian have shared their faithful activities that align with our seven principles and, if you get a chance, you can see them downstairs in the Parish Hall. We meet weekly on a virtual platform at 10am on Sunday mornings. We will be back to an in person RE meeting in March on the 3rd Sunday of the month.  

Craft Club As part of our RE program, we will be starting a Crafting Club. The Club will be meeting in March and will work on various crafts for both our Faithful Footprints program and some social action projects we are planning. 

RE Parent Meeting We meet the second Sunday each month at 11:45 virtually. The link goes out via email and will be in the UU Updates each month. In March the group is meeting on March 13. We welcome all parents to our group. 

Youth Group Greg Stevens, Kelly Lownds and Barbara Bancroft are working with the Youth Groups. We are meeting on the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings of the month. Greg and I run the group the second Sunday, and Barbara and I will run the group the 4th Sunday. 

Coming of Age is now on the 2nd Sunday of the month (March 13) from 4-6, and Youth Group is on the 4th Sunday of the month (March 27) from 4-6. In February we met our Mentors!! We are very excited to share time with our Mentors and continue to work on our credos.

Volunteer Efforts On February 13 we collected over 50 items of sweat pants, shirts, sweatshirts, socks, shoes and other items for Middleboro schools.  Thank you for everyone who participated.  The children organized the items, and they will be delivered at the beginning of March.  On February 27 the children planted marigolds and set up our March service project.  We will be sharing flower pots with anyone who is interested with paint and paint brushes to complete our Flower Pots for Foster Parents.  If interested in receiving some pots, please email

Kelly Lownds, Director of Religious Exploration