Worship Videos

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2024/12/22 Winter Solstice Service (There is no morning service today)

We invite you to join us tonight in celebration of the Winter Solstice as we gather to bid farewell to the Dark and to welcome the return of the Sun. From prehistoric times to the present day, humans worldwide have held vigil throughout the darkest night in community, reverently anticipating the first rays of sunlight. As it crests the horizon, the light moves swiftly across the cold landscape, bringing with it regenerative warmth and the promise of a bright new day. Sourced from ancient Solstice traditions, our service will culminate in a ritual offering of the Light within each of us to the greater Light whose return rings forth a renewed sense of hope and the possibility of a more peaceful future for all beings. ...

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2024/12/15 "The Spirit of Generosity" with Rev. Beau Rivers

What are the spiritual dimensions of generosity? What role does generosity play in the quality of our lives? The Chalice Choir will be singing "Love Calls Us On" by Jason Shelton. ...

2024/12/08 "Gifts That Matter Most" with Rev. Beau Rivers

With the approach of the winter holidays, we begin to contemplate how we might honor and celebrate the ones we hold dear. Media outlets inundate us with wonderful gift ideas to tempt our wallets with the promise of happiness. The seduction of consumerism is so great, it often leads to the depletion of our financial resources. This service will explore the essence of gift giving and the possible meaning of true happiness. ...

2024/12/01 "Sunsets and Stillpoints: Surrender as Our Spiritual Destiny" with Nicola Wilbar

We will be weaving together themes of dark and light; death and rebirth; spiritual experience and intellectual understanding. Join us for this contemplative service where we explore finding places of surrender to relax into difficult moments. The Chalice Choir will be singing Return Again - Hashiveinu. Special music will be shared by Nicola Wilbar and Ed Priest.

Nicola Wilbar has a Master’s Degree in Social Work and post-graduate training in Psychosynthesis which is, among other things, a spiritual therapeutic modality. She worked for several years as a therapist before becoming disabled in 2004. She is a proud member of our congregation. She enjoys sharing her spirituality with others and feels especially privileged to make sacred music with those who share her values.

2024/11/24 "Counting Our Blessings" with Rev. Beau Rivers

In this family friendly, interactive service will recount the blessings in our lives and celebrate the bounty of the harvest with a cider and cornbread communion. ...

2024/11/17 "Indigenous Peoples’ History" with Rev. Beau Rivers

How does the founding of our nation inform who we are today?
What are some of the myths that constitute American patriotism?
How do we begin telling the truth about our ancestors?

2024/11/10 "Beyond the Ballot Box" with Rev. Beau Rivers

In uncertain times it is important to remind ourselves, only love can conquer hate and the work of citizenship continues long after the end of an election. Special music will be provided by Tony Soares. ...

2024/11/03 "The End Is Near! The Archetype of the Apocalypse" with Normand Grenier

From the mouths of ancient prophets to the sandwich boards of Times Square, voices have shouted: It’s over. Despite these sober predictions, we’re still here. So why it did it persist for so long? Today we will explore the nature of this image and its surprising vitality today.

Norm Grenier is a longtime member of UU Middleboro and a student of the psychology of Carl Jung.

2024/11/02 Memorial Service for Rev. Patricia Tummino

Download eulogy by Rev. Dan Hotchkiss: https://bit.ly/tummino

A Memorial Service took place on Saturday November 2, 2024, at 11am at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Middleboro (25 S Main Street) for our beloved former minister, Tricia Tummino.

2024/10/27 "Remembering the Ancestors" with Rev. Beau Rivers

In this family friendly service, we will learn about the history of Halloween and have an opportunity to remember those who have gone before us. People of all ages are invited to come to church in costume and bring a photo or memento of a loved one (pet or human) to place on our Table of the Ancestors. There will be treats for everyone and games to play during coffee hour! ...

2024/10/20 "Let Me Introduce You to JetPig!" with Rev. Beau Rivers

Who is JetPig and why is it important for us to have a relationship with this adorable creature? Come find out this Sunday! The Chalice Choir will be singing Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. ...

2024/10/13 "The Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe Looks to the Future" with Jill Lauzon

As we honor Indigenous Peoples Day, we welcome Jill Lauzon, Co-chairwoman of the Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe. She will share the tribe's vision for the future. ...

2024/10/06 "The Gift of Awareness" with Rev. Beau Rivers

The hard work of dismantling the structures of oppression involves developing an awareness and appreciation for differences between race, culture, class, gender, and so much more. We will consider how far we’ve come as a denomination since 2017. The Chalice Choir will be singing an anthem by Eric Whitacre called Sing Gently. ...