

Summer Social Justice

Narcan Training
Narcan training will be given at the church on Monday, June 24, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. The training will prepare participants to respond effectively if someone (visitor, pedestrian, etc.) suffers an opioid overdose/emergency. Narcan nasal spray (an over-the-counter drug) will be made available after the training. There is no charge for this session, and it is available to both congregation and the general public. 

Protecting Democracy
In collaboration with the Workers Circle, our congregation wrote 500 postcards to voters in the Atlanta GA area urging them to vote in Georgia’s May 22 primary. The Social Justice Team will conduct further writing drives as this election year progresses. We also recommend donations to the Workers Circle and two other organizations working to protect democracy, the movement Voter Project and Working America. All three are nonpartisan and non-profit.

Summer Cash in the Plate 
June: 1st week: Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe Fund (non-profit) to acquire 38 acres of their ancestral land on Triangle Pond in Plymouth

June weeks 2-5: The Trevor Project, whose vision is “A world where all LGBTQ+ young people see a bright future for themselves. “Https://”

July: Bridgewater Communities for Civil Rights (BCCR) is a “community-based organization dedicated to defending the rights of all persons while fostering open communication, providing opportunities to examine issues of social justice, and advocating for the elimination of bias and racism.”

August: Sacred Heart Food Pantry – A Society of St. Vincent de Paul conference serving the towns of Middleboro, Lakeville, Rochester, and Carver. The conference sponsors and operates the Sacred Heart Food Pantry in Middleboro which helps feed hundreds of families every month.

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