Finance Committee

Parish Hall 25 South Main Street, Middleborough, Massachusetts, United States

See Bill Howe

Curiosity in the Era of Electronic Media – A Match Made in Heaven or Hell?

Parish Hall 25 South Main Street, Middleborough, Massachusetts, United States

Diane Reed presenting In this era where information, entertainment, and unlimited resources are at our fingertips, has electronic media become a curse or an opportunity to satisfy our innate curiosity?  Let’s explore how that access can provide an opportunity to learn more about our faith, ourselves and the world around us.

My Civil Rights Pilgrimage to the Deep South

Parish Hall 25 South Main Street, Middleborough, Massachusetts, United States

Dody Adkins-Perry presenting In 2017, Dody went on a 9-day pilgrimage through Alabama, Mississippi, and Memphis, Tennessee. The Living Legacy Project says, “The Pilgrimage is so much more than a civil rights history to us.”  The group did visit historic sights, but they also met with veterans there, working in small consciousness-raising groups dealing with our relationship to racism and white privilege. 

Synchronicity: The Dance of Coincidence and Meaning

Parish Hall 25 South Main Street, Middleborough, Massachusetts, United States

Sue Curtiss presenting Have you ever found yourself thinking about someone, only to receive a phone call or a visit from that person minutes or hours later and wondered “What was that about?”  Synchronicity is what happens when seemingly unrelated events coincide in improbable ways that have some significance for you. Jung believed synchronicities were evidence of a unifying consciousness at play in the Universe, creating physical manifestations of what’s happening in our psyche.  This presentation will be an exploration of the fascinating phenomenon of synchronicity from the scientific, psychological and spiritual perspectives.  We will explore ideas such as “What

An Exploration of Stoicism

Parish Hall 25 South Main Street, Middleborough, Massachusetts, United States

Adrian Gunn presenting Adrian will offer an exploration of stoicism as a philosophy, detailing how it has informed his own life and provided a framework for being a useful, ethical human being and a valuable member of community. As a way of being, it intersects in many ways with the Principles upon which Unitarian Universalism is based.

Song Circle

Parish Hall 25 South Main Street, Middleborough, Massachusetts, United States

We hope you will join us for this fun night of music, sponsored by the Church and open to the public!  We start at 6:00 p.m. with a potluck of hearty snacks in the Parish Hall, so bring along a favorite treat to share.  A circle of chairs will be set up along with a portable keyboard, and we will provide some percussion instruments. Participants can bring their own guitars, ukuleles, dulcimers, etc., or just their voices – hands for clapping and feet for stomping!  At 6:30, join folks who enjoy getting together with others to sing – no particular

Note: The church calendar contains some events that are not open to everyone, so that we can plan for building use. Open events are shown on the home page. Click on an event to show the full description.