by Rev. Peter Connolly

Expressing Thanks

     We have much to be grateful for at UU Middleboro, from Sunday services that engage the mind and heart to coffee hour times for socializing, to those who care for the Memorial Garden, those who make sure the building remains in good repair, those who rehearse on Tuesday evenings to be able to be in good voice for singing in the choir on Sundays.

     Our sexton, Steve Page, keeps the building so clean and supplies so well-stocked that we probably think all that gets done by itself.  Valarie Ortelt, our office administrator of thirty years standing, pulls together the production of the newsletter every month and UU Updates every week as well as keeping the church calendar and website up to date– and too many other things to list here.

     Dan Hotchkiss and JR Pucillo-Dunphy make sure the audio and streaming facilities are as streamlined and as functional as possible, repairing things that break down and constantly updating capacities.  The Parish Committee ensures that policies are updated as necessary, that priorities are clarified, that our activities are in accordance with our mission.

     So much to be grateful for!  That’s why we’re initiating a gratitude ministry.  On the tables in the narthex and the Avis Clay Parlor are “Thank You” cards, envelopes, and pens.  If you feel moved by a particular musical offering on a Sunday morning, if you appreciate a particularly satisfying coffee hour spread, if you are grateful that someone makes coffee every Sunday morning, if it suddenly occurs to you that the Social Justice Team has made sure our church has had a positive effect on the community around us, take a moment before leaving the sanctuary on a Sunday morning to write a note of thanks.  Place the name of the intended recipient on the envelope, and we’ll make sure it gets delivered.  We are thankful for all you do to make our church community thoughtful, caring, and compassionate.

As always, I look forward to seeing you in church!

Spring blessings,
